今夜星光灿烂浩瀚的天际划过一颗流星,我默默地许下一个心愿:愿世界永远和平! The vast sky delimits a meteor, I silently make a wish: wish the world peace forever! 浓黑的硝烟还围绕在你的身边吗? 轰隆的飞机还盘旋在你的头顶吗? 哦,伊拉克女孩,你那幼稚的双眼噙满泪水,你无助的眼神充满恐惧。 你在想什么? Is the thick black smoke still around you? Is the roaring plane still hovering over your head? Oh, Iraqi girl, your childish eyes are full of tears, your helpless eyes are full of fear. What's on your mind? 是在想爸爸妈妈吗? 你是在怪他们太狠心,扔下你一个人不管吗? 不,女孩,是那一颗颗罪恶的遥,夺走了你亲爱的爸爸妈妈,他们又何尝不想留下来陪你呢? Thinking about mom and dad? Are you blaming them for being cruel and leaving you alone? No, girl, it's those evil bullets that take away your dear parents. Why don't they want to stay with you? 是在想那只可爱的小猫吗? 小猫多温驯啊,他才出生没多久,全身雪白,好可爱啊! 可是,小猫呢? 那只洁白可爱的小猫呢? 它已经成了硝烟的殉葬品。 Are you thinking about the lovely kitten? How tame the kitten is! He was born not long ago. His body is white and lovely! But what about the kitten? What about the white and lovely kitten? It has become a martyr of gunsmoke. 是在想那美丽的故乡吗? 亲人们过着丰衣足食的生活,没有战争,到处是一片繁华的景象……可是遥,展遥你眼前的却是一片片废墟,一幢幢摇摇欲坠的房子,一棵棵烧焦的树木。 这不是那美丽宁静的家园吗? 溪水呢? 小鸟呢? 花儿呢? Thinking about the beautiful hometown? Family members live a life full of food and clothing. There is no war. There is a prosperous scene everywhere But now, in front of you are ruins, crumbling houses and charred trees. Isn't this a beautiful and peaceful home? Where is the stream? Where's the little bird? Where is the flower? 你哭了,哭得好伤心,哭得令人心痛! You cry, cry so sad, cry so heartache! 哦,伊拉克女孩,别哭了。 看,世界上那么多爸爸妈妈、哥哥姐姐都关注着你,他们无时无刻不在为你祈祷,祝你平安。 他们是那么热爱和平! Oh, Iraqi girl, stop crying. Look, so many parents, brothers and sisters in the world are paying attention to you. They are praying for you all the time. I wish you peace. They love peace so much! 哦,伊拉克女孩,别哭了。 你知道吗? 我一个十六岁的遥女孩,连同我的同胞们———无数热爱和平的人们在牵挂着你。 他们是那么热爱和平,憎恨战争! Oh, Iraqi girl, stop crying. You know what? I am a 16-year-old Chinese girl, together with my compatriots - countless peace loving people are thinking about you. They love peace and hate war! 哦,伊拉克女孩,别哭了。 抬头看看星空吧。 今夜,星光灿烂! 浩瀚的天际划过一颗流星,我默默地许下一个心愿:愿世界永远和平! Oh, Iraqi girl, stop crying. Look up at the starry sky. Tonight, the stars are shining! The vast sky delimits a meteor, I silently make a wish: wish the world peace forever!