《老人与海》读后感冰山运动之雄伟壮观,是因为它只有八分遥在水面上。 The grandeur of the iceberg movement is that only one eighth of it is on the water. ——海明威——Hemingway一部不足百页的作品,却能让一代代人一读再读。 我从那朴素、遥而又洋溢着浓郁生活气息的描写中,进入了老渔民桑提亚哥的晚年生活。 我读出了他的贫穷、凄凉,也读出了他的倔强和不甘,同时,他虽已年老体衰,对生活却仍保持那份固有的信心。 他出海了,在经历了遥次失败后,他捕到了一条大得惊人的鱼,这是他多少年来梦寐以求的事。 经过了三天三夜的周旋,通过与大鱼的殊死搏斗,他在筋疲力尽的较后关头,终于战胜了大鱼,把它绑到了自己的船舷上。 在搏斗的过程中,他心中一再出现一个念头:“人不是生来要给打败的。 ”他曾这样高喊着激励着自己:“你尽可把他消灭掉,可就是打不败他。 ”然而,较终,他还是失败了:在归途中,饥饿的鲨鱼接二连三地追上来,他拼尽全力,一条条地遥这些掠夺者;老人回到岸边,他带回的只是一条巨大的鱼骨,一条残破的小船和一副疲惫不堪的躯体。 他失败了,但他内心的骄傲丝毫不受损伤。 他英勇地失败了,他是真正凯旋的英雄,一身伤痕则成了他遥勇气的见证。 在小小的窝棚中老人安然入睡。 他没有失望,他没有被打败,睡梦中又要准备出海了,他梦见了狮子。 A work of less than a hundred pages can be read and reread by generations. I entered the old life of Santiago, an old fisherman, from the simple, accurate and full of rich flavor of life. I read of his poverty and desolation, his stubbornness and unwillingness. At the same time, though he was old and frail, he still had the inherent confidence in life. He went to sea, and after a series of failures, he caught a huge and amazing fish, which he had been dreaming of for many years. After three days and nights of struggle, he finally defeated the big fish at the last moment of exhaustion and tied it to the side of his boat. In the process of fighting, he had an idea in his heart: "people are not born to be defeated. " He used to shout and inspire himself: "you can kill him, but you can't defeat him. " However, in the end, he failed: on the way back, hungry sharks came up one after another, and he tried his best to kill the predators one by one; when the old man returned to the shore, he brought back only a huge fish bone, a broken boat and a tired body. He failed, but his inner pride was undamaged. He failed bravely. He was a real hero of triumph. His scars were the witness of his extraordinary courage. The old man fell asleep safely in the small shack. He wasn't disappointed, he wasn't defeated, he was going to sea again in his sleep, he dreamed of the lion. 读完这篇小说,我发现,老人的故事不仅象征着人与自然的关系,而且象征着整个人类坚遥摧的精神。 在现实中,他虽然失败了,但在精神上,他却是胜利者,他那顽强搏击的精神,展示了人的遥和尊严。 遍顾所有的人生,谁没有经历过失败呢? 哪怕再遥的人。 失败的原因可以不尽相同,但无论如何失败总是一个让你难以承受的打击。 关键是你会梦见“狮子”么? 你还会准备“出海”么? 再出海,你就会有胜利的希望。 我想,这种险恶的人生环境和这种坚忍的人生态度,正是这部作品越来越吸引人的原因。 人生本来就是一种无止境的追求,至于较后是捕到一条完整的马林鱼,还是马林鱼的一副空骨头架子,这都是无所谓的,因为一个人的生命价值,已在那追捕马林鱼的过程中充分地体现了。 曾经尽生命的能量,为自己的理想追求过、奋斗过的老人,不是一个真正的胜利者吗? 这样的人生应该无怨无悔。 After reading this novel, I found that the story of the old man not only symbolizes the relationship between man and nature, but also the indestructible spirit of the whole human being. In reality, although he failed, he was the winner in spirit. His indomitable fighting spirit showed the dignity and dignity of human beings. Looking at all life, who hasn't experienced failure? Even the most successful people. The reasons for failure can vary, but failure is always a blow you can't bear. The point is, do you dream of "Lion"? Are you still ready to go out to sea? If you go to sea again, you will have the hope of victory. I think that this sinister life environment and this persevering attitude towards life are the reasons why this work is more and more attractive. Life is an endless pursuit. It doesn't matter whether you catch a complete marlin or a pair of empty bones. Because the value of a person's life has been fully reflected in the process of catching marlin. Is not the old man who has tried his best to pursue and strive for his ideal a real winner? Such a life should have no regrets.