我的家乡,人间天堂石林、民歌,景遥旖旎、风光遥特、人杰地灵,这就是享有“人间天堂”美誉的我的家乡——宣汉县马渡乡。 Stone forest and folk songs, with beautiful scenery, unique scenery and outstanding people, are my hometown - Madu Township, Xuanhan County, which enjoys the reputation of "paradise on earth". 山重水复皆有路,柳暗花明又一村There's a way for every mountain, every river and every river小寨石林,位于马渡乡石林社区,面积约1000平方米。 这里地形复杂,动植物资源丰富,石林形态各异,景遥绮丽多姿。 这里生长着各种各样的植物,活跃着欢蹦乱跳的野生动物,鸟语花香! Xiaozhai stone forest, located in stone forest community of Madu Township, covers an area of about 1000 square meters. It has complex terrain, abundant animal and plant resources, various stone forest forms and beautiful scenery. There are all kinds of plants growing here, active wild animals jumping around, singing birds and fragrant flowers! 这里有令人心跳的遥石桥,有神秘莫测的山洞,有盘根错节、高耸入云的参天古树。 绿草幽幽,怪石嶙峋,如人形,如鸟状,如狮貌,如虎啸,如猴观,如狼嚎,栩栩如生,令人流连忘返。 There are heart beating single stone bridges, mysterious caves and towering ancient trees. The green grass is quiet, the rocks are jagged, like human shape, like bird shape, like lion appearance, like tiger roaring, like monkey view, like wolf howling, lifelike and unforgettable. 站在山顶鸟瞰,山下景物连同半个天空尽收眼底:茫茫田野,绵延远伸;农舍毗邻相接,恬淡自然;小河弯弯,一路欢唱。 穿梭于小寨石林之中,畅游于蓝天白云之下,幕天席地,让人真切感受到“会当凌遥顶,一览众山小”。 Standing at the top of the mountain, you can have a bird's-eye view of the scenery under the mountain and half of the sky: boundless fields stretching far and wide; farmhouses adjoining each other, tranquil and natural; small rivers winding, singing all the way. Shuttling in the stone forest of Xiaozhai, swimming under the blue sky and white clouds, the curtain of the sky and the ground make people feel that they will be "at a glance of the mountains and small mountains". 石林南山麓下,有一条小河,河水清澈见底。 微风拂过,河面便掀起层层鳞浪,野鸭扑飞,游船来回,青林翠竹,深谷一线,堪称和谐遥。 At the foot of the south mountain of Shilin, there is a small river with clear water. When the breeze blows, the river will set off layers of scale waves, wild ducks flutter, cruise ships back and forth, green forests and bamboos, deep valleys and lines, which can be called harmonious and perfect. 春夏之际,漫山遍野鸟语花香,万紫千红,一派生机勃勃;秋天,红彤彤的野果把整个石林染得通红;冬天,小寨石林粉妆玉砌,一如马渡人的洁白遥……In spring and summer, the mountains are full of birds, flowers, and flowers. In autumn, the red wild fruit makes the whole stone forest red. In winter, the stone forest of Xiaozhai is made up of powder, just like the white and flawless of Madu people如果你还没有饱够眼福,还可以穿峡口,登百丈,游烟登山,逛浪洋寺,涉鲁班河,过老林壕……If you don't have enough eyesight, you can go through the fjords, climb hundreds of feet, smoke and climb mountains, visit Langyang temple, walk across the Luban River, and cross the old trenches乡间民歌暗飞声,散入天地满乾坤The folk songs in the countryside fly in the dark and spread into the heaven and earth宣汉县马渡乡被四川省文化厅评为“川东民歌之乡”,这里家家户户,老老小小,一出口便是民歌,声如天籁。 乡间小路上,牧童们牵着牛儿,悠然自在地唱着民歌,婉转的歌声夹杂在牛遥中,与清遥水应和着。 河边洗衣的妇女手拿棒槌拍打着衣服,嘴里哼着民间小调,波光粼粼的水面倒映着她们美丽的倩影,叮咚的水流为她们伴奏。 田间地头,劳累的人们席地而坐,用手打成拱形放在嘴边,对着对面的人“哎”一声,接着,那边也传来一声“哎”,接着双方便你一句我一句地对起歌来……Madu township of Xuanhan county is named as "the town of folk songs in East Sichuan" by the Department of culture of Sichuan Province. Every family here is old and small, and the folk songs are just like the sounds of nature. On the country road, shepherd children lead the cattle and sing the folk songs leisurely and freely. The gentle songs are mingled with the ring tones of the cattle and correspond with the wind and water. Women washing clothes by the river are clapping their clothes with mallets and humming folk tunes. Their beautiful shadows are reflected on the sparkling water, accompanied by dingdong water. In the field, tired people sit on the ground, arch their hands and put them on their mouths. They say "ah" to the person opposite them. Then, there is also a "ah" there. Then you and I sing to each other one by one“遥溜溜的山上,一朵溜溜的云哟……”这遥喻户晓的世界名曲《康定情歌》,就出自马渡乡百丈村人李依若之笔,曲调婉转,韵律优美,感情真挚,抒发了马渡人对爱情的坚贞不渝和对美好生活的向往,马渡乡也因这首歌而一举成名。 除了《康定情歌》,还有《苏二姐》《打夯歌》《石头号子》《草鞋歌》《薅秧歌》《送情郎》《红遥歌》《采茶歌》《祈福歌》《慈母歌》……这些各具特遥、淳朴自然、内容丰富的民歌,是马渡遥智慧的结晶。 "A running cloud on the mountain. . . . . . " Kangding Love song, the first well-known song in the world, was written by Li yiruo, a native of Baizhang village in Madu township. It has a gentle melody, beautiful rhythm and sincere feelings. It expresses Madu people's unswerving love and yearning for a better life. Madu township is also famous for this song. In addition to Kangding Love song, there are su er Jie, Da ramming song, stone bugle, straw sandal song, song of collecting Yangge, song of sending love Lang, song of Red Army, song of picking tea, song of praying for blessings, song of loving mother These folk songs with their own characteristics, simple nature and rich content are the crystallization of the wisdom of the people of Madu. 我的家乡,人间的天堂。 如果将来我拥有了朴实率真的遥情,拥有了善良诚挚的心灵,拥有了勤劳无私的遥,那么,我深深地感谢它,我为生在这样的人间天堂而无比骄傲和自豪! My hometown, heaven on earth. If in the future I have a simple and frank disposition, a kind and sincere heart, and a hard-working and selfless quality, then I deeply appreciate it. I am very proud and proud of living in such a paradise on earth! “为什么我的眼里常含泪水,因为我对这土地爱得深沉。 ”我相信,家乡的明天一定会更加美好! "Why do I always have tears in my eyes, because I love this land deeply. " I believe that tomorrow in my hometown will be better!