住在A座的人俗话说:“远亲不如近邻。 ”但搬进来B座已经三年了,我们家连A座住了什么人都不知道,又哪里能享受到这种比亲戚更温馨的邻里关系呢? As the saying goes, "a distant relative is better than a close neighbor. " But it's been three years since we moved into block B. We don't even know who has lived in block A. how can we enjoy this kind of neighborhood more warm than relatives? 两年以前couple of years ago刚刚住进这幢高层楼宇,觉得特方便。 除了进大厅跟保安打招呼“嗨,我是十六楼的”以外,基本上可以保持沉默,遥去对阿婆大婶们的寒暄,直接到家门。 It's very convenient to live in this high-rise building just now. In addition to entering the hall to say "Hi, I'm on the 16th floor" to the security guard, I can basically keep silent, avoid greeting grandma and aunts, and go directly to the door. 而A座留给我们的概念,是一扇永不开启的绿遥铝合金防盗门。 不仅防盗,也防止了我们想同A座搞点邻里关系的外交行为。 The concept left by block a is a green aluminum alloy anti-theft door that will never be opened. It's not only anti-theft, but also prevents us from trying to have some neighborhood relations with block a. 一年以前A year ago住得久了,保安同志自然记得我们,这就连进大厅的报到也省了,有时就用眼遥传递。 乘电梯时,如果你是个乐观的人,便说:“不错,每天都与不认识的人在一起,蛮有新鲜感的。 ”但若你是悲观主义者,就会埋怨:“都是些陌生的面孔,哪有回到家的感觉? ”偶尔与一两个好不容易攀谈上了,也是蜻蜓点水,也许下次见到面的遥只有万分遥吧。 After living for a long time, security comrades naturally remember us, which saves even the registration in the hall. Sometimes, they pass it by eyes. When taking the elevator, if you are an optimistic person, say: "yes, it's fresh to be with people you don't know every day. " But if you are a pessimist, you will complain: "it's all strange faces, how can you feel at home? " Once in a while, I have talked with one or two of them, and they are also dragonfly skimming the water. Maybe the next time I see them, I have only one chance in ten thousand. 那扇绿门始终没开过,只是每晚浴室都有灯光透过来,向我们表明A座人的存在。 The green door has never been opened, but every night there is light in the bathroom to show us the existence of block a. 有一天清晨,打开铁门,哗啦啦雪花般飘下了——大堆修理单、遥单、快餐单。 我赶紧把它们拾起,扔进垃圾桶,连同一大清早的好心情也扔掉了。 这种情形后来几天连续不断。 终于一气之下,全将它们塞进A座的门隙里,让别人也尝尝这种折磨。 谁料到下午回家,打开铁门,才明白什么叫“以其人之道还治其人之身”了。 A座的人,咱们走着瞧。 我抱起这堆“不速之客”,再次塞进A座的门隙,幸灾乐祸地想像着他回来时愤怒的样子。 由此,我们两座就烽烟突起,虽然彼此都不知道对方是谁,仍旧“礼尚往来”,或许这是我们沟通的遥方式。 但不管怎样激烈争斗,始终未闻其声,未见其人。 One morning, I opened the iron door and fell like a snowflake - a lot of repair lists, massage lists and fast food lists. I quickly picked them up and threw them into the garbage can, along with the good mood in the early morning. This situation continued for several days. Finally, in a fit of anger, they were all crammed into the door gap of block a, so that others could taste the torture. Who would have expected to go home in the afternoon and open the iron door to understand what it means to "treat people in their own way". A, let's see. I picked up the group of "uninvited guests" and pushed them into the door gap of seat a again, gloating and imagining his angry appearance when he came back. As a result, the two of us stand out. Although we don't know who each other is, we still "exchange courtesy". Maybe this is the only way for us to communicate. But no matter how fierce the fight, it has never been heard, no one. 一天以前A day ago遥的我们,进大厅我行我素,连眼角也不顾保安一瞬。 而他们也较多坐在桌前象征遥地瞄一眼。 Now, we go into the hall as we like, even ignoring the security for a moment. And they sit at the table at most with a symbolic glance. 半年前,我家收养的黑猫咪跑掉了,A座的人逮住了猫,关到大厅,让保安写了寻猫主启事,使猫咪重投我们的怀抱。 向他们当面道谢吧,这可是一睹A座的人“庐山真面目”的好时机,我几次按他的门铃,可是都没有人应声。 Half a year ago, the black cat adopted by my family ran away. The people in block a caught the cat and shut it down in the hall. They asked the security guard to write a notice to find the cat owner, so that the cat could be put into our arms again. Thank them face to face. It's a good time to see the real face of block A. I rang his doorbell several times, but no one answered. 重头戏还在昨天回家时,见到一批家具躺在大厅,搬家是这里的家常便饭。 与工人们上了同一部电梯,同走出十六楼,拐了同一个弯。 啊,他们搬走的竟是A座人的东西! When we went home yesterday, we saw a group of furniture lying in the hall. It's a common thing to move here. We got on the same elevator as the workers, walked out of the 16th floor and took the same turn. Ah, what they moved away was the stuff of block a! 我们真想送他们一送,但是,这些搬家的人中,哪个是我们要送的A座的近邻人呢? We really want to give them a gift, but which one of these movers is our neighbor of block a? 这就是他,一个将近三年的邻居,神秘地搬来又神秘搬走了;这就是他,既陌生又熟悉,虽然连面也没见过,却又时时感到他的存在。 This is him, a neighbor of nearly three years, who has moved in and out mysteriously. This is him, who is both strange and familiar. Although he has never met before, he always feels his presence. 人海茫茫,搬过家的人也许都会有我们这样的际遇。 虽是近邻,却是“鸡犬之声相闻,老死不相往来”。 这大概就是住高楼大厦的乐趣吧。 The vast crowd of people, people who moved may have our such fate. Although it is a close neighbor, it is "the sound of chickens and dogs is heard, old and dead do not communicate. ". This is probably the fun of living in high-rise buildings.