学习与思考孔子说:“学而不思则罔;思而不学则殆。 ”意思是指,如果学习书本知识而不思考,就会不辨真伪,更不能融会贯通,学以致用;如果只是苦思冥想却不认真读书,就会孤陋寡闻,才疏学浅,更不能做到博见约取,标新立异。 Confucius said, "learning without thinking is useless; thinking without learning is perilous. " That is to say, if we study book knowledge without thinking, we will not distinguish the truth from the false, we will not be able to integrate and apply what we have learned; if we just think hard but don't study hard, we will be ignorant, lack of talent and learning, we will not be able to achieve broad-minded engagement and innovation. 孔子的这两句话阐明了学习与思考的辩证关系。 These two sentences of Confucius illustrate the dialectical relationship between learning and thinking. 学习与思考是人们在获取知识过程中,两个相辅相成,密遥分的思维活动。 只学习不思考不行,只思考不学习也不行。 只有将二者正确地结合起来,才算真正懂得了学习与思考的辩证关系。 Learning and thinking are two complementary and inseparable thinking activities in the process of acquiring knowledge. It's no use learning without thinking. It's no use thinking without learning. Only by combining them correctly can we truly understand the dialectical relationship between learning and thinking. 这里所说的学习,主要指从书本上汲取间接经验。 古今中外,凡成大学问者,无一不是博览群书,读破万卷的。 人非生而知之,只有不断学习前人的经验、成果,充实自己的头脑,才能进一步有所发现,有所创造。 遥导师马克思为了完成资本论这一巨着,曾在大英博物馆潜心研究,留下了深深的足迹。 可见认真读书是成才所遥缺少的。 要勤于学习,必须博览熟记,持之以恒。 鲁迅先生说:读书“必须如蜜蜂一样,采过许多花,才能酿出蜜来,倘若叮在一处,所得就非常有限,枯燥了”。 另外,学习还要持之以恒,要“戒怠荒,戒无恒,戒躁急,戒泛杂”,只有这样,才能学有所成。 Learning here mainly refers to learning indirect experience from books. At all times and in all over the world, all those who have become university inquirers are those who have read a wide range of books and broken thousands of volumes. People are not born to know. Only by constantly learning from the experience and achievements of predecessors and enriching their minds can we further discover and create. In order to complete the great work of capital, Marx, the revolutionary mentor, devoted himself to the study in the British Museum and left a deep footprint. It can be seen that serious reading is indispensable for success. To be diligent in learning, we must read, memorize and persevere. Lu Xun said: reading "must be like a bee, picking many flowers to make honey. If you sting in one place, your income will be very limited and boring. ". In addition, we should persist in learning and "abstain from idleness, lack of perseverance, restlessness and miscellaneous". Only in this way can we learn something. 然而,学习本身并非目的,学会举一反三,灵活运用知识才是真正的目的。 为此,就必须发挥主观能动遥,进行积遥、认真的思考,弄清知识的来龙去脉以及知识的有机联系。 如果学到的东西不经头脑加工,就好比吃下的食物未经口腔咀嚼、肠胃消化,即便是美味佳肴,也不会被身体吸取一样,非但无益,反而有害。 法国作家伏尔泰对此有着十分精辟的论述,他说:“书读得越多而不加思考,你就会觉得你知道得很多。 而当你读书思考得越多的时候,你就会清楚地看到你知道得还很少。 ”可见善于思考是多么重要! However, learning is not an end in itself. Learning to draw inferences from one instance and flexibly use knowledge is the real purpose. Therefore, we must give full play to our subjective initiative, think actively and seriously, and make clear the origin and development of knowledge and the organic connection of knowledge. If you learn something without brain processing, it's like eating food without mouth chewing and stomach digestion. Even delicious food will not be absorbed by the body. It's not beneficial, but harmful. Voltaire, the French writer, has a very incisive discussion on this. He said: "the more books you read without thinking, you will feel that you know a lot. And the more you read and think, the less you know. " It can be seen how important it is to be good at thinking! 要善于思考,需要有蜜蜂酿蜜的精神。 每一克甜美的蜂蜜不知凝聚了那小生命的多少的心血。 思考也需要我们下苦功夫,以“打破沙锅问到底”的探索精神去钻研,切遥不懂装懂,浅尝辄止。 To be good at thinking, we need the spirit of bees making honey. Each gram of sweet honey did not know how much of the little life's hard work it gathered. Thinking also requires us to work hard, to "break the casserole to the end" of the spirit of exploration to study, must not pretend to understand, shallow taste. 学习是思考的基础,思考是学习的升华。 在学习的基础上思考,思考才能深入;在思考的前提下学习,学习才有遥。 同时对所学的知识必须结合实际反复运用,知识才能巩固,技能才可纯熟,这就是我们掌握知识的必由之路。 Learning is the basis of thinking and thinking is the sublimation of learning. On the basis of learning, thinking can be in-depth; on the premise of thinking, learning can be effective. At the same time, the knowledge we have learned must be combined with practice and repeatedly used, so that knowledge can be consolidated and skills can be proficient. This is the only way for us to master knowledge. 愿我们大家都能勤于学习,善于思考,去勇敢地攀登科学知识之颠。 I hope that all of us can be diligent in learning, good at thinking and brave to climb the summit of scientific knowledge.