


2020-05-02 00:00:00浏览:
雨说盼着盼着I am looking forward to it.
那个日子终于来临The day finally came迫不及待地我降落人间I can't wait to land来到你遥遥的苞芽Come to your yellow buds若仰起的遥的小脸If you look up the pink face你吮着我You suck me我润着你I moisten you.
你吮走我的甘香冽You suck my sweet你由小到大由浅到深由拥窄羁束到蓝天都是你的遥You are free from small to large, from shallow to deep, from narrow band to blue sky待到芳馨散尽When fragrance is gone凝练的爱Condensed love在你的每一寸肌肤Every inch of your skin你笑啊笑You laugh and laugh.
我的泪却有些浑浊My tears are muddy较后的霁临Last Jilin虹下我与你无言的告别I say goodbye to you speechless under the rainbow请你不必悲伤灿烂地向我摇起你的生机你的茁壮Please don't be sad and shake your life to me.
You are strong and strong我走了但我魂早已渗透在你成长的血液里I'm gone, but my soul has already permeated your growing blood请你不必悲伤待我回去酝酿Please don't be sad for me待到再过半载我将带着新的力量来赋予你新一年的希冀In another half a year, I will bring new strength to give you the hope of a new year如果有一天If there comes a day when…像我一样你也要离开Like me, you're leaving请你也不必悲伤Please don't be sad积蓄等待Savings waiting再到那一天On that day我将与你——一同重生!
I will be reborn with you!
我是你的洗礼I am your baptism我是你的埋葬I am your burial这便是我的全部意义That's what I mean我是爱你的雨I love your rain