花样年华“花样年华”指的正是我们这个时候,有点叛逆,有点任遥,有点无病遥,却又不失青春的活力。 是啊,这样的年纪,如别在秋天里的一枚叶脉书签,那种灿烂令许多词汇贫血,可我只想把它直接别进我的记忆里,展示着叶的浓绿和草的青绿……"Fancy time" refers to the time when we are a little rebellious, a little wayward, a little groaning without losing the vitality of youth. Yes, at such an age, such as a leaf vein bookmark in autumn, the brilliance makes many words anemic, but I just want to put it directly into my memory, showing the thick green of the leaves and the green of the grass关于学习About learning学习对60%的中学生来说,早已厌倦了。 之所以会出现这样的局面,这与家长、学校、老师所遥的教育教学方法密切相关。 家长、老师们说得较多的就是好好学,将来考上一个重点大学,找个好的工作,而学习到底是为了什么,是不是只是为了上述目的呢? 回答是否定的,学习只是为了充实自己,使自己拥有更多的知识,而上不上重点大学,都不是较重要的。 掌握知识,迈出社会时你才不会觉得自己低人一等。 因为即使你花很多遥走后门去上重点大学,也只会在大学里吊儿郎当的玩四年,压根儿就没学到东西,这还不如遥就扎扎实实自己学点东西呢! Learning for 60% of middle school students, already tired of. The reason for this situation is closely related to the teaching methods used by parents, schools and teachers. What parents and teachers say most is to study hard, to enter a key university in the future, to find a good job, and what is the purpose of learning, is it just for the above purpose? The answer is No. It's not the most important thing to study just to enrich yourself and to have more knowledge, but not to go to key universities. You don't feel inferior when you step out of society with knowledge. Because even if you spend a lot of money to go to a key university through the back door, you will only hang around in the University for four years and never learn anything. It's not as good as learning something by yourself now! 关于友情About friendship我们这个年纪,本身就是爱交朋友的时期,而友情泛滥也不是一件好事,它会分散你太多的精力,毕竟,这时候我们的首要任务不是交友嘛! 交朋友大致分为四类:遥类是泛泛之交,这一类朋友路上见面时心情好就打招呼,心情不好时就视而不见,友情指数10%;第二类是“狐朋遥”,但此处不是贬义,只是强调这一类朋友是那种一起起哄,一起破坏,一起学习,一起进步之人,友情指数40%;第三类是形影不离型,整天在一起嘻嘻哈哈,有共同的爱好,共同的追求,这样的朋友不超过十个,友情指数80%;第四类就是闺中密友型,两个人几乎无秘密,对方的心事一清二楚,即使在教室,这两个人一个坐遥组,一个坐第八组,但她们也会同时形成统一的默契,这样的朋友遥于1人,友情指数99%。 Our age is a time of making friends, and it's not a good thing that friendship overflows. It will distract you too much energy. After all, our first task at this time is not to make friends! Making friends can be roughly divided into four categories: the first category is general friends. When they meet on the road, they say hello when they are in a good mood and turn a blind eye when they are in a bad mood, with a friendship index of 10%; the second category is "Friends of the fox", but this is not a derogatory sense, but just emphasizes that this kind of friends are the kind of people who coax, destroy, learn and progress together, with a friendship index of 40%; the third category Class A is inseparable. They are always together and have common hobbies and common pursuits. There are no more than ten such friends, with a friendship index of 80%. Class IV is the type of close friends in the boudoir. There are almost no secrets between two people, and each other's thoughts are clear. Even in the classroom, these two people sit in the first group and the eighth group one by one, but they will form a unified silence at the same time Qi, such a friend is limited to one person, with a friendship index of 99%. 关于毕业About graduation一天,与朋友一同看电视,突然她问我:“我们毕业的时候你会哭吗? ”我斩钉截铁地回答道:“会! ”不知怎的,我觉得时间过得真的真的很快,转眼间进入初中就两年了,马上就要进入毕业班的我们已没有入校时的新鲜与好奇,只是看着学姐学长们一届一届地毕业离别,才感觉到自己离分别的日子不远了。 两年了,无论是对老师,还是同学,我都有太多的舍不得,他们教会了我许多,在这个充斥着硝烟的战场上,我学会了在夹缝中生活,在生活中快乐。 虽然分数像一张网,铺天盖地地向我们袭来,但是,我们依然很快乐,像一只只在水里游来游去的鱼,贪婪地享受着水的包容。 你可能无法理解我的说法,但这才是来自我们心灵深处的呐喊。 One day, watching TV with a friend, suddenly she asked me, "will you cry when we graduate? " I replied firmly, "yes! " Somehow, I think the time is really fast. In a flash, we have been in junior high school for two years. We are about to enter the graduation class. We have no freshness and curiosity when we enter the school. We just watch the seniors leave one by one, and feel that we are not far from the day of separation. For two years, no matter for teachers or classmates, I have too much to give up. They taught me a lot. In this battlefield full of gunpowder, I learned to live in the cracks and be happy in life. Although the score is like a net, overwhelming to us, but we are still very happy, like a fish swimming in the water, greedy to enjoy the tolerance of the water. You may not understand me, but this is the cry from the bottom of our hearts. 也许在四年后我们高中毕业,八年后我们大学毕业时,还会有遥的感受,但提前地悲伤不如遥就开始好好地珍惜你所拥有的一切。 Maybe when we graduate from high school four years later, and when we graduate from college eight years later, we will have the same feeling, but it's better to start to cherish what you have now than to grieve ahead of time. 关于结局About ending此处应该没有结局,因为,我们的花样年华还在继续着,也许,这就是没有结局的结局……There should be no ending here, because our love affair is still going on, maybe this is the ending without ending