雨之旋律轻轻的我走了,正如我轻轻的来。 我挥一挥衣袖,不带走一片云彩。 Gently I go, as I gently come. I wave my sleeve, not a cloud. ——题记-- inscription我,是天空中快乐而又沉寂的雨。 I am the happy and silent rain in the sky. 三月,初春的一天。 March, a day in early spring. 从江河湖海来到天空之上,来到如新翻的棉被的云朵之间。 我随风而动,俯瞰繁华的城市,美丽的村庄,汹涌的大海,宁静的小河。 不知何时何地,我才能随风飘落? From rivers, lakes and seas to the sky, to the clouds like a new quilt. I move with the wind, overlooking the bustling city, beautiful village, surging sea, quiet river. I don't know when or where I can fall with the wind? 一声粗犷的闷雷在村边响起,一道紫遥的闪电从城市上空滑过。 人们下意识地放下手中的工作,随口说了一句:“变天了,要下雨了。 ”对人们来说,那只不过是一场雨,算不了什么。 但对我来说,那却是遥无比光荣、但又万分艰巨的使命,一项我需要用生命来完成的使命。 闪电如令旗,雷声如遥号。 要出发了,心里却没有什么异样的感觉,只感觉身体轻飘飘的,被风卷了起来。 “轻轻的我走了,正如我轻轻的来。 我挥一挥衣袖,不带走一片云彩。 ”我的心中默念着,抬头看看头顶的云,低头看看脚下的地,突然间,心头涌上一阵快乐,也带来了一丝沉寂。 A rough and sullen thunder sounded at the edge of the village, and a purple lightning flashed over the city. People subconsciously put down their work and casually said, "it's going to rain when the weather changes. " For people, it was just a rain, nothing. But for me, it was an extremely glorious and arduous mission, a mission I need to complete with my life. Lightning is like a flag, thunder is like a bugle. To start, but there is no different feeling in my heart, just feel the body is light and floating, winded up. "Gently I left, just as I came gently. I wave my sleeves, not a cloud. " My heart silently read, looked up at the top of the clouds, looked down at the foot of the ground, suddenly, a burst of happiness, but also brought a trace of silence. 我,是天空中快乐而又沉寂的雨。 I am the happy and silent rain in the sky. 伴着轻捷的脚步,我来到了这个世界。 我落到大街上,落到小巷间,落到田野中,落到软融融的春泥里。 淅淅沥沥、滴滴答答、哗哗啦啦、叮叮咚咚,都是我用生命敲击世界的旋律,一篇又一篇,篇篇都精妙遥伦,篇篇都是大自然的杰作。 我,是大自然中较有灵遥的乐章,伴随着我的声音、我的身体、我的心灵,甚至是我的生命,去演奏那生命的赞歌。 或许你还没有听出这雨之旋律,那可能是你没有仔细认真地去听。 那么,请你闭上眼睛,去倾听这雨之旋律——With light steps, I came to the world. I fell into the streets, into the alleys, into the fields, into the soft spring mud. Patter, tick, rattle and tinkle are the melodies that I use my life to knock the world. One by one, they are exquisite, and they are all masterpieces of nature. I am the most spiritual movement in nature. With my voice, my body, my soul and even my life, I will play the praises of life. Maybe you haven't heard the melody of the rain, it may be that you haven't listened carefully. Then, please close your eyes and listen to the melody of the rain——听:淅淅沥沥,是悠扬的小提琴;叮叮咚咚,是明快的钢琴;哗哗啦啦,是嘹亮的小号;滴滴答答,是清脆的竖琴。 闪电当了钹,雷声当了鼓。 这些,你都听到了吗? 这是自然界较美妙的交响乐,是自然界的“命运交响曲”。 这些,都是雨之旋律,是我的旋律。 如果你的心情好,你可以把它想像成欢快的轻音乐;如果你的心情不好,也可以把它想像成凄凄惨惨的声音。 总之,你可以把它想像成世间的任何音乐,当然以你的心情而定。 聆听我的声音,就是聆听自然的声音,也就是聆听你自己。 Listen: it's a melodious violin; it's a lively piano; it's a loud trumpet; it's a crisp harp. Lightning is a cymbal, thunder a drum. Do you hear all this? This is the most beautiful symphony in nature and the symphony of fate in nature. These are the melody of rain, my melody. If you are in a good mood, you can think of it as happy light music; if you are in a bad mood, you can also think of it as a sad voice. In short, you can think of it as any music in the world, depending on your mood. To listen to my voice is to listen to the voice of nature, that is, to listen to yourself. 但是,你可曾想过吗? 雨之旋律,是用我的生命换来的;没有了我,也就再也没有了雨之旋律。 But have you ever thought about it? The melody of rain comes from my life; without me, there will be no melody of rain. “轻轻的我走了,正如我轻轻的来。 我挥一挥衣袖,不带走一片云彩。 ”落地的一刹那我默念道,突然间明白了许多。 为了能让你聆听自己、聆听生命、聆听自然,牺牲我自己,又有什么关系呢? 我落到地上,消失在大街上,消失在小巷间,消失在田野中,消失在软融融的春泥里。 我逐渐会聚成一股股细细的水流,融汇进一条条小溪、小河中去。 或许有一天,你会很幸运,正好又碰上我,让我再给你来一段雨之旋律? "Gently I left, just as I came gently. I wave my sleeves, not a cloud. " The moment I landed, I said to myself, suddenly I understood a lot. In order to let you listen to yourself, listen to life, listen to nature and sacrifice myself, what does it matter? I fell to the ground, disappeared in the streets, disappeared in the alleys, disappeared in the fields, disappeared in the soft spring mud. I gradually gather into a stream of fine water and melt into a stream. Maybe one day, you will be very lucky, just meet me, let me give you a rain melody? 在天空中,在土地里,我是快乐而又沉寂的雨。 In the sky, in the earth, I am a happy and silent rain.