雨的诉说还在清晨,就被你的脚步声唤醒,望望窗外,竟然一片朦胧! Still in the early morning, wake up by your footsteps, looking out of the window, even a hazy! 每一枚绿叶都有你挂上树梢,每一片云朵都被你轻柔地揽入怀中。 Every green leaf has you hanging on the top of the tree, and every cloud is gently held in your arms. 你踏在大地的每一个角落,我似乎听到你的诉说:You step on every corner of the earth, I seem to hear you say:——你说大地富诗意,绵绵无尽期。 ——You say the earth is poetic and endless. ——你说万物富灵遥,何处皆春情。 ——You say that everything is rich in spirituality, where is spring. ——你说雨中的太阳,闪烁着清晨的思想。 ——You said the sun in the rain, flashing the thoughts of the morning. ——你说雨中的城市,孕育着平和的灵魂。 ——You say the city in the rain is pregnant with a peaceful soul. 这场雨,已经很久没有停息了。 它时而淅淅沥沥,时而倾盆大作。 在耶和华眼里面,这场雨只不过是给混乱的世界的一个小小的惩罚,然而在挪亚看来,这确乎是一场浩劫。 The rain has not stopped for a long time. Sometimes it patters, sometimes it pours. In the eyes of the Lord, the rain was only a small punishment for the chaotic world, but in Noah's eyes, it was indeed a catastrophe. 大地渐渐被雨水淹没,人类死亡之前的忏悔充斥着整个世界。 这场灾难遥了多少生命,然而却没有让一滴血留在世界上。 挪亚在想,是否当上帝让洪水退去时,这些可怜的人类的尸体会消失,是否上帝会允许在这个世界上留下新的生命。 挪亚望着方舟旁倒塌的房屋,望着乞求登上方舟的哀号的可怜人,望着被洪水吞噬的幼小的生灵,不由深深地陷入了沉思。 雨水渐渐大了,它们如同复仇者一般狠狠地捶打这个世界,它们甚至希望将较高的山峰变成一座孤岛。 The earth is gradually flooded by the rain, and the repentance before the death of human beings fills the whole world. The disaster killed many lives, but it did not leave a drop of blood in the world. Noah wondered whether the poor human bodies would disappear when God let the flood go, and whether God would allow new life to be left in the world. Noah looked at the collapsed houses beside the ark, at the wailing poor people who begged to board the ark, at the young creatures devoured by the flood, and he was deep in thought. As the rain grew, they pounded the world like Avengers, even hoping to turn the highest mountain into an island. 雨水无情地打在挪亚的苍老的脸上,对于这个遥受到上帝垂青的老人,它们也充满了仇恨。 它们于是唤来了狂风,希望将这遥的方舟掀翻,它们嚷着,叫着,泛滥着遥威。 然而挪亚却仍然沉默着,他任凭狂风将雨打在自己的脸颊上,任凭雨水嚎叫着恐吓的言辞。 他一动不动,他甚至根本不去理会雨水的仇恨。 他只是遥望着那片茫茫的洪水,滚滚的波涛夹杂着死亡、悲痛和背叛。 人类就这样被自然所征服、压制。 而这一切较初的起因又是什么,上帝又为什么要让人类遭此浩劫呢? 人有过,天亦有过,为什么这些雨露不去惩罚耶和华,却来惩罚那些被耶和华所庇护的人类呢? 纵然人类的身份低微,无法抗拒神灵的愤怒,可是为什么神灵就要将所有的人类都赶尽遥遥呢? 为什么耶和华不忏悔,而要迁怒于他所创造出来的人呢? The rain beat mercilessly on Noah's old face, and they were full of hatred for the only old man who was favored by God. Then they summoned the strong wind, hoping to overturn the only ark. They cried, cried, and overflowed with lust. But Noah was still silent. He allowed the wind to beat the rain on his cheek, and the rain howled and threatened. He did not move, he did not even pay attention to the hatred of the rain. He just looked at the vast flood, the rolling waves mixed with death, grief and betrayal. In this way, human beings are conquered and suppressed by nature. What is the original cause of all this, and why does God want to make mankind suffer this catastrophe? There have been times for human beings, and there have been times for heaven. Why do these rain and dew not punish the Lord, but punish those who are protected by the Lord? Even though human status is too low to resist the wrath of gods, why should gods drive all human beings out? Why does the Lord not repent, but rather exasperate the man he created? 挪亚的衣服早已经湿透了,他难以宽宥上帝耶和华的行为,纵使耶和华宽恕了他的罪过。 雨的每一声怒斥都透过双耳传入挪亚的心灵。 他颤抖的双唇似乎要向外倾吐一种沉痛的声音,然而他停止了,愤怒的雨让他怯懦。 他害怕若耶和华真的迁怒于他,自己微小的生命也会被暴风雨淹没。 若干天的雨声掩饰住了他脆弱的神经,他苍老的心灵确乎在不停地颤抖。 他缓慢地步入船舱后面的鸽笼,捧出了一只鸽子。 他抚摩着它的羽毛,轻轻地将它放飞到空中。 他知道,无论暴风雨多么大,这鸽子都不会被遥。 Noah's clothes were already wet, and he could not forgive the LORD God for his deeds, even though the LORD had forgiven him for his sins. Every storm of rain came into Noah's heart through his ears. His trembling lips seemed to pour out a deep voice, but he stopped. The angry rain made him timid. He was afraid that if the LORD were really angry with him, his tiny life would be drowned by the storm. Several days of rain covered his fragile nerves, and his old heart was shaking. He walked slowly into the pigeon cage behind the cabin and held out a pigeon. He stroked its feathers and gently released it into the air. He knew that no matter how heavy the storm was, the pigeon would not be knocked down. 于是鸽子迎着暴风雨的泛滥的遥威冲向天空。 So the dove rushed to the sky against the storm. 挪亚望着在雨中渐渐远去的鸽子,心宽慰了许多,当那鸽子消失在远方的时候,挪亚也走进了船舱。 他已经很久没有休息了。 当他进入自己的梦乡的时候,他仿佛看到雨的愤怒已经平息,而有一只鸟儿衔着一枝新绿向他飞来。 Noah looked at the dove that was going away in the rain, and his heart was relieved. When the dove disappeared in the distance, Noah also went into the cabin. He hasn't had a rest for a long time. When he entered his dream, he seemed to see the anger of the rain subsided, and a bird came to him with a new green in its beak.