青春字母剧“Youth”在英语中是“青春”之意。 什么是青春? 这六个不起眼的字母能给你一条条青春的启示。 "Youth" means "Youth" in English. What is youth? These six humble letters can give you a hint of youth. 定义青春,让我们从“Y”开始。 Define youth, let's start with "Y". “Y”,young——年轻。 塞缪曾经说过:“青春不是生命的一段时光,不是红润的脸颊,红扑扑的嘴唇和苗条的身材;不是时髦的打扮,漂亮的衣着。 ”那它是什么呢? 我们曾视青春为年轻人的“注册商标”,可新时代却赋予了青春新的含义。 它是一种精神上的年轻,是一股无法在生理上磨灭的年轻活力。 "Y", young. Samuel once said: "youth is not a time of life, not rosy cheeks, red lips and slim figure; not fashionable dress, beautiful clothes. " So what is it? We used to regard youth as a "registered trademark" of young people, but the new era has given youth a new meaning. It's a kind of spiritual youth, a kind of young vitality that can't be wiped out physically. “O”,own——拥有。 青年人拥有青春,是年龄给他们的优势;老年人拥有青春,是他们给自己的礼物。 有人认为,青春不过是人生路上的匆匆旅客,时间停不住他们前进的脚步。 其实,只要你懂得拥有,它就会像幼嫩的种子,在你心中生根发芽,不管外面的环境是多么的恶劣。 拥有青春并不难,一颗青春的心,足够。 "O", own - own. Young people have youth, which is the advantage that age gives them; old people have youth, which is their gift to themselves. Some people think that youth is just a rush of passengers on the road of life. Time can't stop them. In fact, as long as you know how to have it, it will be like a tender seed, rooting and sprouting in your heart, no matter how bad the external environment is. It is not difficult to have youth. A young heart is enough. “U”,unsimilar——不同。 不同的人拥有不同的青春,同一个人在不同时期也拥有着不同的青春。 当一些人在感叹青春已逝的时候,另一些人在细心地将青春一一保留下来。 当你十七八岁的时候,朝气蓬勃的面貌显露着青春的气息;当你满脸皱纹的时候,怀着对生活的美好追求,毫不造作地将青春展现于别人的面前。 "U", unsimilar - different. Different people have different youth, and the same person has different youth in different periods. When some people are lamenting the death of youth, others are carefully keeping their youth one by one. When you are seventeen or eighteen years old, your vigorous face shows the breath of youth; when you are full of wrinkles, with the pursuit of a better life, you show youth to others without any affectation. “N”,nature——自然。 青春不需要豪华的装饰,不需要遥的打扮。 也许你能将自己打扮得光彩照人,但是你无法将青春诠释给别人知道。 青春是自然的,不需要矫揉造作,不需要遥安排;青春是自然的,需要天真浪漫,需要蓬勃向上。 "N", nature - nature. Youth doesn't need luxury decoration and elaborate dressing. Maybe you can dress yourself up to be radiant, but you can't explain your youth to others. Youth is natural, does not need affectation, does not need careful arrangement; youth is natural, needs to be naive and romantic, needs to be vigorous. “T”,turly——遥。 青春不是一个虚无飘渺的梦,青春是遥的。 “青春”在字典上的定义或许有些抽象,然而在生活中,青春又是那样的遥。 你可曾留意到校园里跳跃的身影,可曾留意过广场上舞步轻快的老人? 难道青春真的是抽象得无法捉摸吗? 但这一个个生活中的剪影却是遥的,青春其实也是遥的。 "T", Tully - real. Youth is not an empty dream. Youth is real. The definition of "Youth" in the dictionary may be somewhat abstract, but in life, youth is so real. Have you ever noticed the dancing figures in the campus, or the old people in the square? Is youth really abstract and unpredictable? But the silhouettes in life are real, and youth is also real. “H”,happy——快乐。 将它排在较后,再也合适不过了。 快乐就是青春结下的美味果实,你仔细地品味着它,就能感受到沐浴在晨光中的温暖。 “青春”和“快乐”是孪生姐妹,拥有青春,你就拥有快乐。 "H", happy. It's no better to put it last. Happiness is the delicious fruit of youth. If you savor it carefully, you will feel the warmth bathed in the morning light. "Youth" and "happiness" are twin sisters. With youth, you will have happiness. 我就是这样定义着青春。 This is how I define youth. 上演这一场青春字母剧,也许会让你更加懂得:青春没有界限。 Put on this youth alphabet play, may let you know better: youth has no boundary.