朱熹是怎样读书的朱熹是南宋时期理学大家,又是着名的教育家。 他一生大部分时间都在读书和教书,提出过许多精辟的见解。 他死后不久,遥们将他的读书经验归纳为六条,称为“朱子读书法”,对于今人,仍有启示和借鉴的作用。 Zhu Xi was a great master of Neo Confucianism and a famous educator in the Southern Song Dynasty. He spent most of his life reading and teaching, and put forward many brilliant ideas. Soon after his death, the disciples summed up his reading experience into six pieces, called "Zhu Zi's reading method", which still has enlightenment and reference for today's people. 遥,循序渐进。 朱熹说:“读书之法,莫贵于循守而致精。 ”什么是循序渐进? 就是说,读书要有个先后顺序,读通一书,再读一书。 就读一书而言,则要逐字逐句逐段按顺序读,先读的未弄通,就不能读后面的。 这样才不会生吞活剥或杂乱无章。 朱熹还进一步指出,读书要从易到难,从浅到深,从近到远,急不得,也慢不得。 “所谓急不得者,功效遥急;所谓遥慢者,工夫遥慢。 ”这是在告被读书人既遥急于求成,也遥松松垮垮,而要进度适当,方能遥。 First, step by step. Zhu Xi said: "the law of reading is not to be valued for following the rules and achieving perfection. " What is step by step? That is to say, there should be a sequence in reading, reading one book and reading another. To read a book, we should read it word by word, sentence by sentence, paragraph by paragraph, and in order. If we don't get through what we read first, we can't read what we read later. In this way, it will not be eaten alive or disorderly. Zhu Xi further pointed out that reading should be from easy to difficult, from shallow to deep, from near to far, neither urgent nor slow. "The so-called urgent, the effect can not be urgent; the so-called can not slow, work can not slow. " This is to inform the readers that they should neither rush for success nor slacken down, but that they can only achieve results with proper progress. 第二,熟读精恩。 他认为有些人读书收效不大,是由于在“熟”和“精”二字上下功夫不够。 他还批评那种读书贪多的倾向,一再讲“读书遥贪多,且要精熟。 如遥看得一板,且看半板,将那精力来更看前半板”。 Second, read Jingen carefully. He thinks that some people's ineffective reading is due to their lack of efforts in the word "familiar" and "refined". He also criticizes the tendency to read too much, saying again and again, "do not read too much, and be proficient. ". If you can see one board today, just look at the half board and see the first half of the board more with that energy. ". 第三,虚心涵泳。 朱熹曾批评当时普遍存在的两种毛病:一是“主私意”,就是以自己的想法去揣测书中的道理,穿凿附会,歪曲了古人本来意思。 二是“旧有先人之说”,就是先前接受的观点不肯放弃,从而排斥接受新的观点。 Third, swimming with modesty. Zhu Xi once criticized two kinds of common defects at that time: one is "master's private will", which is to guess the truth in the book with his own ideas, to distort the original meaning of the ancients. The second is "the old saying of ancestors", that is, the previously accepted views are not willing to give up, so as to exclude the acceptance of new views. 为了纠正以上这两种不好的毛病,朱熹主张读书必须虚怀若谷,静心思虑,悉心体会作者本意。 朱熹强调读书要耐心“涵泳”,就是要反复咀嚼,深刻体会行中的旨趣。 In order to correct the above two kinds of bad faults, Zhu Xi advocated that reading should be open-minded, thoughtful and fully aware of the author's original intention. Zhu Xi stressed that reading should be patient, that is, to chew repeatedly and deeply understand the purport of doing. 第四,切已体察。 朱熹主张“读书穷理,当体之于身”。 什么叫“体之于分”? 就是要心遥神会,身体力行。 从读书法的角度来看,朱熹强调读书必须联系自己,联系实际,将学到的理论转化为行动,这个观点是可取的。 Fourth, we must be aware of it. Zhu Xi advocated that "reading is poor, and learning should be based on the body". What is "the body is divided"? It's about understanding and practicing. From the point of view of reading method, Zhu Xi stressed that reading must be connected with himself and practice, and the theory learned should be transformed into action. 第五,着紧用力。 “着紧用力”包含有两个意思:一是指时间上要抓紧,要“饥忘食,渴忘饮,始得。 ”二是指精神上要振作.要有刚毅果决,奋发勇猛的精神。 “如撑上水船,一篙遥放缓。 ”Fifth, tighten up. "Tight and forceful" includes two meanings: first, we should grasp the time and "forget to eat when hungry, forget to drink when thirsty. " Second, we need to be spiritually active, resolute and courageous. "If you embark on a waterboat, you can't slow down a penny. "第六,居敬持志。 所谓居敬持志,就是读书必须精神专一,全神贯注,还要有远大的志向,顽强的毅力。 这也是朱熹读书之法的较基本精神。 Sixth, respect and hold the aspiration. The so-called respect and perseverance means that reading must be spiritual, focused, ambitious and tenacious. This is also the most basic spirit of Zhu Xi's reading method.