一千个读书的理由春读雪莱,夏读拜伦,秋读波德莱尔,冬读艾略特。 Read Shelley in spring, Byron in summer, Baudelaire in autumn, Eliot in winter. 读美国书宜随随便便,读德国书宜正正经经,读法国书宜情感丰沛,读遥书宜思虑清淅。 It is better to read American books casually, German books seriously, French books emotionally and Russian Books thoughtfully. 哪个男子不钟情,哪个女子不怀春。 晨与妻子宜读纪伯伦,暮与遥宜读泰戈尔。 少年恋爱读《维特》,中年情外读《廊桥》,老年多情读《歌德传》。 Which man is not in love, which woman is not nostalgic. It is better to read Gibran in the morning and his wife, and Tagore in the evening and his lover. Young love read "Witt", middle-aged love read "Langqiao", old love read "Goethe biography". 读莱蒙托夫要喝酒,读海涅宜高歌。 读海明威宜舞剑,读卡夫卡宜流泪。 读雨果宜沉思,读凡高须流血。 Read lemontov to drink, read Heineken to sing. Hemingway's sword and Kafka's tears should be read. To read Hugo is to meditate and to read Van Gogh is to bleed. 黑格尔宜读精要,尼采宜诵全文。 大仲马宜一目十行,昆德拉宜反复回味。 Hegel should read the essence, Nietzsche should read the full text. Dumas should be seen at a glance and Kundera should think about it again and again. 读茨威格宜一气呵成,并马上重读一遍,读陀氏宜心智平衡,并每三年读一遍。 It's better to read Zweig in one go and reread it immediately. It's better to read dossier's mental balance once every three years. 忙里偷闲略读华莱士,闲来无事细读托翁。 遥宜读海德格尔,失眠宜读福尔摩斯。 讲课前宜读培根,讲演前宜读沙翁。 峰会前宜读杜拉克,总结后宜读韦尔奇。 I read Wallace in my spare time and Toron in my spare time. Hypnosis should read Heidegger, insomnia should read Holmes. Bacon should be read before the lecture, and Shakespeare should be read before the lecture. Drucker should be read before the summit and Welch after the conclusion. 回首往事宜读《忏悔录》,展望未来宜读托夫勒。 研究世界文明宜读亨廷顿,反思遥精神宜读费正清。 Looking back on the past, we should read the confession, and looking forward to the future, we should read Toffler. Huntington should be read to study world civilization, and Fei Zhengqing should be read to reflect on Chinese spirit. 历史入门宜读汤因比,哲学入门宜罗素。 艺术入门宜读丹纳,文学评论入门宜读韦克勒,美学入门宜读鲍葵尔,戏剧入门宜读布莱希特,经济入门必须读凯恩斯,遥事入门宜读《战争论》,计算机入门宜读比尔盖茨。 了解资本主义宜读布罗代尔。 The introduction of history should read Toynbee, and the introduction of philosophy should read Russell. Dana is a good place to start art, Wacker is a good place to start literature review, baucaure is a good place to start aesthetics, Brecht is a good place to start drama, Keynes is a good place to start economy, war is a good place to start military, Bill Gates is a good place to start computer. To understand capitalism, we should read Brodale. 解剖自我宜读弗罗依德,磋磨他人宜读弗洛姆。 分析群体宜读荣格,现代禅学宜读铃木大拙,认知人类宜读列维--斯特劳斯。 To dissect oneself is to read Freud, to compare with others is to read Fromm. Analysis group should read Jung, modern Zen should read Suzuki Dazao, cognitive human should read Levi Strauss. 受伤后读毛姆,得意处读惠特曼。 忧郁时读川端康成,寂寞时读《鲁宾逊》。 Read Maugham after the injury and Whitman when you are satisfied. When depressed, read Kawabata Yasunari, when lonely, read Robinson. 清理思路宜读维特根斯坦,智力训练宜读波普尔。 玄之又玄读胡塞尔,清之又清读德里达。 Wittgenstein should be read for cleaning up ideas and Popper for intelligence training. In the meantime, Husserl and Derrida are both mysterious and clear. 如想做世界第七读《相对论》,爱因斯坦说:懂得它的只有六人。 如还不满意,宜读霍金。 If you want to do the seventh reading of relativity in the world, Einstein said: only six people understand it. If you are not satisfied, read Hawking. 如想试试能否成为作家,宜读《百年孤遥》。 两种结论:一是“我也能这么写”,一是“算了,让老马遥步”。 If you want to try to be a writer, you should read "one hundred years of loneliness". Two kinds of conclusions: one is "I can write like this" and the other is "forget it, let the old horse alone". 与女学生谈话,宜谈《简爱》,如她不知,正好讲与她听,以示多情;与男青年谈话,宜谈希罗多德,这是遥遥,以炫博学。 When talking with female students, it's better to talk about Jane Eyre. If she doesn't know, it's just time to talk with her to show her affection. When talking with young men, it's better to talk about Herodotus. This is the only chance to show off her erudition. 三岁宜鹦鹉学舌ABC,七岁宜读《数码宝贝》,十岁宜读《哈利--波特》,二十岁宜读《丧钟为谁而鸣》,三十岁宜读《存在与虚无》,四十岁宜读〈查泰莱夫人的遥〉,五十岁宜读《战争与和平》,六十岁宜读《追忆似水流年》,七十岁宜读《圣经》。 Three years old should parrot ABC, seven years old should read "digital baby", ten years old should read "Harry Potter", twenty years old should read "for whom the bell tolls", thirty years old should read "existence and nothingness", forty years old should read "lady Chatterley's lover", fifty years old should read "war and peace", sixty years old should read "reminiscence of fleeting times", seventy years old should read "Bible".