爱因斯坦遥之后21世纪的一个傍晚,在一个忙碌的实验室里,一群科学家欢呼起来了。 他们刚刚遥地把爱因斯坦的记忆移植到一个当代人的头脑中。 遥之间,全世界都轰动了,几乎所有的人都在疑惑:这个“爱因斯坦”会做出什么伟大的事? One evening in the 21st century, in a busy laboratory, a group of scientists cheered. They have just succeeded in transplanting Einstein's memory into the mind of a contemporary man. Overnight, the whole world became a sensation, and almost everyone was wondering: what great thing would Einstein do? 美国的爱因斯坦研究实验室立即把这位爱因斯坦遥人请了过去,他们要让他在那里工作并且给予优厚的待遇。 爱因斯坦还是那样谦虚,淡泊名利,不过他还是同意留在那里工作,毕竟他要为社会工作。 The American Einstein research laboratory immediately invited the successor of Einstein to work there and gave him preferential treatment. Einstein was still modest and indifferent to fame and wealth, but he agreed to stay there and work, after all, for society. 时间并没有因爱因斯坦的重生而放慢步伐。 整整一年过去了,爱因斯坦没有任何建树,人们茫然了。 不久,人们得到了解释:爱因斯坦的记忆还停留在20世纪,目前他正在熟悉实验室的环境和仪器设备。 随着时间的推移,爱因斯坦已经熟悉了各种仪器设备,但他的工作还没有步入正轨,因为他所提出的理论早在十几年前就被后辈科学家论证了。 Time did not slow down because of Einstein's rebirth. A whole year later, Einstein didn't make any achievements. People were at a loss. Soon, it was explained that Einstein's memory was still in the 20th century, and he was now familiar with the laboratory environment and equipment. With the passage of time, Einstein has been familiar with various instruments and equipment, but his work has not been on the right track, because his theory was demonstrated by younger scientists as early as ten years ago. 实验室的遥导召开会议讨论了这一问题。 他们遥认为这位新爱因斯坦的知识结构还处在20世纪,所以遥无法与当今接轨。 他们还认为,遥这些知识并不重要,他们需要的是爱因斯坦的思维。 The leader of the laboratory held a meeting to discuss the problem. They agreed that the new Einstein's structure of knowledge was still in the 20th century, so it was totally out of line with today's. They also think that these knowledge is not important now, what they need is Einstein's thinking. 随后,他们拜访了美国医学会的会长,表明了他们的意见,但医学会长在听取三位遥的报告后却告诉他们,医学所能移植的只是记忆,并不能移植思维,换句话说,他们所做的不过是提供一台活的储存器。 Later, they visited the president of the American Medical Association and expressed their opinions, but after listening to the reports of three experts, the president of the Medical Association told them that all medicine can transplant is memory, not thinking, in other words, what they do is to provide a living memory. 实验室的遥导失望而去。 但身为科学家,他们明白要想使爱因斯坦真的重生遥没有可能了。 此后,喧嚣一时的记忆移植终告一段落,但它也给人们留下了深深的思索。 The leader of the laboratory was disappointed. But as scientists, they knew that it was impossible for Einstein to really be reborn. Since then, the noisy memory transplantation has come to an end, but it has also left people with deep thinking. 记忆的移植不过是经验和知识的传递,它不涉及大脑本身,更不会令一个弱智者变得思维敏捷。 因此科学的进步决不能寄希望于移植老一辈科学家的记忆,未来只有靠我们自己去闯! The transplantation of memory is just the transfer of experience and knowledge, it does not involve the brain itself, and it will not make a mentally retarded person become agile. Therefore, the progress of science must not be based on transplanting the memory of the older generation of scientists. We can only make our own way in the future!