When the Semester Ends 当期末来临Every time when the semester ends, we will be very nervous, because we want to do well in the exam, just to see the result of hard working in the past four months. When thinking about the exams, I can't sleep well, because I want to do it well and are so afraid of failing the exam. I don't want to disappoint my parents. But my parents don't want to put so much pressure on me, and they just want me to do my best and learn as much as I can. They don't care much about the result. I am so lucky to be a happy child. I learn that it is important to have the positive attitude to life. 每次期末结束,我们都会很紧张,因为我们都想要在考试中考出好成绩,来检验一下四个月一来的努力学习成果。 一想到考试,我就睡不好,因为我想考好,但是又怕考试不及格。 我不想让我的父母失望。 但是我的父母不想给我太多的压力,他们只是希望我能够尽力,尽可能多的学习知识,他们不太在乎结果如何。 我很幸运的成为一个快乐的孩子,我知道重要的是要有积遥的态度去面对生活。