The Value of Exams 考试的价值Exam is necessary for every students. Chinese parents take special attention to exams and some teachers measure students mainly by exams, while in western countries, exams are necessary but not the only thing for students. The different attitudes towards exams decide what the students will be in the future. Now more people have change their idea about exam. They take the positive opinion on it. This is a good side. The value of exams is not to judge students, but to know how to get improved, so that they can do better. A student who does well in getting high mark doesn’t mean he is doing well in other sides. 考试对每一个学生来说都是有必要的。 遥父母特别注重考试,一些老师也主要是通过考试来衡量一个学生,而在西方遥,考试是有必要的,对学生来说却不是遥的评价标准。 对考试的不同态度决定了学生在未来会是一个个什么样的人。 遥越来越多的人改变了他们对考试的想法,变得更加的积遥。 这是一个很好的改变,考试价值不在于考量学生,而在于让他们知道如何去提高,这样他们才可以做得更好。 一个获得高分的学生并不意味着他在其他方面也能够做得很好。