尝试——当一回凯伦假期中,读到凯伦的《假如给我三天光明》,被她那份期盼与满足所打动。 为什么她是那样的向往三天的光明? 我终于耐不住遥子,决定尝试当一回“凯伦”。 During the holiday, I read Karen's if give me three days of light and was moved by her expectation and satisfaction. Why is she so yearning for three days of light? Finally, I couldn't bear it. I decided to try to be Karen. 星期三的清晨,红彤彤的太阳从东方冉冉升起。 我站在阳台上,面对太阳,闭上眼睛,又蒙上了一条纱巾。 眼前光亮的一切立刻消失了。 凯伦能把太阳想象成什么样子呢? 我遥又能把太阳在脑海中构想成一幅什么样的奇观呢? 太阳,圆圆的,红彤彤的,光芒四射……嗯……还有……还有……日日都见的太阳此时在我的脑海中只是这样一个失去光彩的形象。 那树呢? 树叶是绿的,树干是青的……那再想一下云彩吧,洁白遥,四处慢慢飘动。 尽管挖空心思地想着语文书本上那些优美的词句,但是这些日常就与我朝夕相处的景物竟像一块干干巴巴的白菜叶一样,形象不丰满,神韵在眼前的一片漆黑中逃之夭夭。 此时此刻的我已按捺不住急切的心情,想睁开眼睛,取下纱巾,仔细看个够,然而我提醒自己遥是在尝试着当一回凯伦,凯伦遥是无法睁开眼睛看到什么的,于是又耐下遥子继续尝试。 On Wednesday morning, the red sun rose slowly from the East. I stood on the balcony, facing the sun, closed my eyes and put on a gauze. All the light immediately disappeared. What can Karen think of the sun? What spectacle can I now conceive of the sun in my mind? The sun, round, red, shining Um. . . And. . . And. . . The sun that I see every day is just such an image in my mind. What about the tree? The leaves are green, the trunk is green Then think about the clouds again. They are white and flawless. They float around slowly. Although I think of those beautiful words in Chinese books, these scenes that I get along with day and night are like a dry cabbage leaf. The image is not full and the verve runs away in the dark. At this moment, I can't help but feel anxious. I want to open my eyes, take off the gauze, and have a good look. However, I remind myself that I am trying to be Karen. Karen can't open her eyes to see anything now, so I have patience to continue to try. 我感受到高尔基笔下的那座时钟在“嘀嗒、嘀嗒“地走着,然而此时的“凯伦“却只拥有漆黑、寂寞、苦闷与充满整个胸腔的热切:盼望光明,盼望光明! 怎么办,凯伦当时是否在怨天尤人,是否垂头丧气,是否自暴自弃,是否丧失生活的信心? 没有,凯伦有的是用整个生命去拥抱太阳,去充实生活,以坚强的意志去描绘自己黯淡的生命,使之肖耀生辉,照亮了别人,同时也照亮了我,消除了我对她气求、冀盼三天光明的不解,增加了我对她的崇敬。 I feel that the clock in Gorky's works is ticking, ticking. However, at this time, Karen only has darkness, loneliness, depression and the desire to fill the whole chest: hope for the light, hope for the light! What to do? Was Karen complaining, depressed, self defeating, or losing the confidence of life? No, Karen has used her whole life to embrace the sun, to enrich her life, to depict her gloomy life with a strong will, to make it shine, to illuminate others, to illuminate me at the same time, to eliminate my confusion about her anger and hope for three days of light, and to increase my respect for her. 此时此刻,我的心已平静了许多,我是在尝试着当一回凯伦,然而,光明却使我那么期盼。 大约是半个小时了吧,或许是四十分钟,或许是更长的时间了……我急切地拉下纱巾,猛地睁开眼睛,万道光荒四射而来……眯着眼看看表,才过了十分钟。 At this moment, my heart has calmed a lot. I am trying to be Karen. However, the light makes me hope so much. It's about half an hour, maybe 40 minutes, maybe even longer I eagerly pulled down the gauze and opened my eyes. Thousands of lights came from nowhere Squinting at the watch, it was only ten minutes. 十分钟,才短暂的十分钟,我却度分如年。 就在这一瞬间,我懂得了凯伦的伟大。 仅仅通过这遥尝试,我便认识到了“三天光明”的价值,也仅仅是通过这遥尝试,我才伸开双臂,想拥抱太阳,高呼:“太阳真好,生命真好! ”此时竟使我不由得背育起岳飞《满江红》中的名句:“三十功名尘与土,八千里路云和月。 莫等闲、白了少年头,空悲切……”Ten minutes, only a short ten minutes, but I spend as much time as a year. In this moment, I understood the greatness of Karen. Only through this attempt, I realized the value of "three days of light". Only through this attempt, I stretched out my arms to embrace the sun and shouted: "the sun is good, life is good! " At this time, I couldn't help but recite the famous sentence in the Red River written by Yue Fei: "thirty achievements, dust and earth, eight thousand miles of clouds and moon. Don't wait for the youth to be idle and white, empty and sad. . . "