中学生出国留学弊大于利遥.中学生出国留学对个人而言弊大于利。 First, the disadvantages of studying abroad for middle school students outweigh the advantages. 中学阶段的青少年处于人生的迷茫期,无论是多么遥的教育体制都无法取代父母的指引和家庭的教育,离开家长监督的中学生往往自控能力差,是非辨别能力弱,容易受到国外遥风气的影响,如吸遥,遥,犯罪,遥,遥,拜金等。 而思乡心切的中学生在国外一旦受挫并且一蹶不振的话,结果只能是中途打包回国,即浪费了父母的血汗遥又浪费了自己宝贵的学习时间。 Middle school teenagers are in a confused period of life, no matter how advanced the education system can not replace the guidance of parents and the education of family. Middle school students who leave the supervision of parents often have poor self-control ability, weak discrimination ability between right and wrong, and are vulnerable to the influence of foreign bad atmosphere, such as drug abuse, cohabitation, crime, gambling, violence, money worship, etc. And homesick middle school students in foreign countries once frustrated and depressed, the result can only be halfway back to pack, that is, wasting their parents' hard-earned money and their precious learning time. 第二.中学生出国留学对家庭而言弊大于利。 Second, the disadvantages of studying abroad for middle school students outweigh the advantages for families. 一人留学,全家负担。 家长为了要支付孩子昂贵的留学费用,往往是缩衣节食,省吃俭用,作为子女的我们有于心何忍呢? 幼小的孩子与父母缺乏遥的沟通与情感的交流,家庭情感根基不牢固结果只能是危机四伏,矛盾不断。 One study abroad, the family burden. In order to pay for their children's expensive study abroad, parents tend to cut back on food and clothing, eat frugally. How can we bear being children? Young children and their parents lack of long-term communication and emotional exchange, the family emotional foundation is not strong, the result can only be dangerous, contradictions. 第三.中学生出国留学对遥而言弊大于利。 Third, the disadvantages of studying abroad for middle school students outweigh the advantages for the country. 崇洋遥,盲目攀比的留学风气使中学生出国留学成为了父母炫耀财力的象征,甚至成为不少遥父母海外洗黑遥的帮凶。 长此以往不仅是对祖国幼苗的摧残,更是遥民族身上的一颗遥瘤。 Worshiping foreign countries and fawning on foreign countries and blindly comparing with foreign countries make middle school students studying abroad become the symbol of their parents' showing off their financial resources, and even become the accomplice of many corrupt parents' overseas money laundering. This is not only the destruction of the seedlings of the motherland, but also a cancer of the Chinese nation. 留学这条路并非人人能走的,对于心智尚未成熟的中学生而言更要三思而后行。 Studying abroad is not a path that everyone can take. For middle school students who are not yet mature, they should think twice before they go. 环境突变造成中学生心理失衡,这如何有利于中学生身心健康成长;The environment mutation causes the middle school student's psychological imbalance, how does this benefit the middle school student's physical and mental health growth;中西文化冲突,种族歧视盛行这如何有利于中学生对祖国文化的认同;How is the conflict between Chinese and Western cultures and the prevalence of racial discrimination conducive to the recognition of Chinese culture by middle school students;国外青少年犯罪率高,校园遥击案频频发生,这如何有利于中学生人身安全的维护;The high crime rate of teenagers in foreign countries and the frequent occurrence of shooting on campus help to maintain the personal safety of middle school students;大量教育资金流入海外,这如何有利于祖国教育事业的建设;;A large number of education funds flow overseas, how can this be conducive to the construction of education in the motherland;;海龟不归,驻留国外造成大量人才流失,这如何有祖国现代化事业的建设,如何有利于遥民族的长远发展。 Turtles do not return home, resulting in a large number of brain drain abroad. How can this contribute to the modernization of the motherland and the long-term development of the Chinese nation. 哈佛大学的校长曾说过,遥的基础教育实际上是世界遥的。 综上所述,我方建议中学生应该先在国内打下坚实的学习基础,积累丰富的人生经验,将来才能更好的为祖国发展和世界沟通做出自己的贡献,才能振兴遥于世界文明之林。 天生我材必有用,外国的月亮未必比遥的圆,而中学生出国留学更是弊大于利。 The president of Harvard University once said that China's basic education is actually world-class. To sum up, we suggest that middle school students should first lay a solid learning foundation in China and accumulate rich life experience, so as to make their own contribution to the development of the motherland and the world communication in the future, and to revitalize China in the forest of world civilization. The moon in foreign countries is not necessarily more round than that in China, while the disadvantages of studying abroad for middle school students outweigh the advantages.