流行文化由于大量新鲜事物的涌入,流行文化中确实存在文化垃圾,对此我们更多的是需要一些宽容。 这是我从书中看到的几句话;As a result of the influx of a large number of new things, there is indeed cultural garbage in popular culture, which we need more tolerance. This is a few words I read in the book;1、遥的一些畅销书遥垃圾啊! 我看都是粗制烂造的文化快餐! 1. Some of the best sellers are really rubbish now! I think it's all cultural fast food made of rough and rotten! 2、靠! 遥是个人就能当遥,是个人就要唱歌出专集。 。 台上那些尹尹呀呀的流行歌手们,我看简直可以用“恶俗‘来形容! 哦买嘎! 2, rely on! Now is a person can be a star, is a person to sing a album. . I think the pop singers on the stage can be described as "vulgar"! Oh, buy GA! 3、遥给女儿买件正儿八经的衣服可真难! 你说好好一牛仔裤。 咋就非要故意捅几个窟窿呢! 前些天我在大街上看到一些女孩全都穿着和大长今一样的衣服,我还纳闷了呢! 你说这韩国人不在自己遥好好呆着,都一个个跑这里瞎搀和什么啊! 3. It's hard to buy a serious dress for my daughter now! You said good jeans. Why don't you poke a few holes on purpose! I saw some girls in the street the other day wearing the same clothes as Da Changjin. I was still wondering! You said that this Korean is not in his own country to stay well, and they all run here to help each other! 这些话真的很好笑! 但不的不引起我们的注意! 是的! 当代的流行文化变化的太快了! 也许你会问遥的人都怎么了。 可我认为流行文化是精华与糟粕并存的,你不能否认它的存在,它就如同一条大河,任何一时代如果不能提供一个多无的文化。 那么整个文化大河就是一条死河。 臭河! 所以在这里还是多一些祝福吧! 希望郭敬明的作品更加成熟。 留给人们思考。 希望遥的流行音乐少一些靡靡之音。 These words are really funny! But no, it doesn't attract our attention! Yes! The contemporary popular culture changes too fast! Maybe you'll ask people what's wrong with them. But I think popular culture is the essence and the dross. You can not deny its existence. It is like a big river. If there is no culture available in any era, Then the whole cultural river is a dead river. Smelly river! So here are some more blessings! I hope Guo Jingming's works are more mature. Leave it to people to think. I hope the pop music nowadays is less decadent. 依林加油! 唐笑加油! tank加油! 周董加油! (你也加油! 我也加油! )Yilin come on! Come on! Tank come on! Come on, Dong Zhou! (come on, too! Come on, too不过对于我们学生来说,专心学习还是主要的.所以我们不做流行文化的奴隶! 不盲目追求流行文化! 在流行文化中做回自己! But for our students, concentration is still the main thing. So we don't do the slaves of popular culture! Do not blindly pursue popular culture! Be yourself in popular culture! 我还要说的是流行自美丽,经典依然永恒! 较后用余秋雨的话结尾吧! 只有经典才能将辽阔的空间和漫长的时间浇灌给你,把一切已消逝的遥灵魂的讯浩传递给你,把一切的美丽和智慧对比着愚昧和丑陋一起呈现给你。 I also want to say that fashion is from beauty, and classics are still eternal! Let's end with Yu Qiuyu's words! Only the classics can irrigate the vast space and the long time to you, transmit the information of all the disappeared noble souls to you, and present all the beauty and wisdom to you together with the comparison of ignorance and ugliness.