石林揽胜巍巍石板岭像苍翠的巨幅画屏挂在利川市的东天,石林公园就是这巨画中较精彩的一笔。 Stone Forest Park is the most wonderful one of these giant paintings. 石林公园紧靠318国道,是恩施旅游局与石板岭村在1996年联合开发的重点旅游项目,如今已形成一定的规模,引来了遥各地的大批游人。 石林公园贵在天然朴实,它以山青、水秀、石奇、境幽称胜。 这里层峦叠嶂,怪石林立,林茂泉清,共有200多个风景点,凡来这里的游人都看得如痴如醉,交口称赞。 Shilin Park, close to national highway 318, is a key tourism project jointly developed by Enshi Tourism Bureau and shibanling village in 1996. Now it has formed a certain scale and attracted a large number of tourists from all over the country. Stone Forest Park is valued for its natural simplicity. It is famous for its green mountains, beautiful waters, strange stones and secluded environment. There are more than 200 scenic spots here, such as mountains and mountains, strange rocks and clear forest and Maoquan. All visitors here are fascinated and praised. “卡门雄关日出”是石林公园的遥遥景。 卡门山势峥嵘,两山如利剑直刺云天,一条二尺来宽的石梯从山顶直垂而下,有8300余遥。 卡门关隘上存有光绪年间利川知县陈国栋撰书的对联,赞颂地方官吏的德政,泽惠当地百姓及游客。 清晨,站在卡门雄关上观日出是遥美的享受,先是东边的云彩被染成血红,接着是太阳的脸蛋跃露地面,温暖的阳光照在山上,照在身上,这时你会感觉全身从里到外都是金亮亮的。 "Sunrise of Kamen Xiongguan" is the first unique sight of Shilin Park. Kamen mountain is towering. Two mountains, like sharp swords, pierce the sky. A two foot wide stone ladder falls from the top of the mountain. It has more than 8300 levels. There is a couplet written by Chen Guodong, a county magistrate of Lichuan during the reign of Guangxu in Carmen pass, praising the virtue and government of local officials and benefiting local people and tourists. In the morning, it's a beautiful enjoyment to stand on Carmen Xiongguan and watch the sunrise. First, the clouds in the East are dyed red, then the sun's face is exposed to the ground, and the warm sun shines on the mountain and on your body. At this time, you will feel that your whole body is golden from inside to outside. 穿游石林会使你如痴如醉。 黑褐遥的遥峻拔凌云,耸成千姿百态,石笋、石幔、石柱、石花、石洞构成一个个奇特的景致:有的如珍禽异兽,有的似珍珠玛瑙,有的像擎天高柱,有的如瀑布悬泉。 就拿“济公骑牛”来说吧,侧面看去如济公遥头戴破帽、手摇破扇,坐在牛背上逍遥嘻笑;从后面看时,又变成一个牧童横吹短笛。 Walking through the stone forest will make you infatuated. The dark brown rocks are towering and towering. Stalagmites, stone curtains, stone pillars, stone flowers and stone caves form a unique landscape: some are like rare animals, some are like pearls and agates, some are like giant pillars, some are like waterfalls hanging springs. Take "Ji Gong riding cattle" as an example. From the side view, it can be seen that the living Buddha of Ji Gong wears a broken hat, shakes a broken fan, and sits on the back of the ox and laughs; from the back view, he becomes a shepherd boy playing Piccolo horizontally.