

教学详解:Barefaced 厚颜遥的

2016-08-08 00:00:00浏览:
教学详解:Barefaced 厚颜遥的Rob 声称主编不但要给他放假还要给他发奖金,不过菲菲好像不相信他。
Rob 说的到底是真的吗?
菲菲用了哪个表达来形容Rob 的言行?
文字稿 (关于台词的备注: 请注意这不是广播节目的逐字稿件。
) Feifei 大家好,欢迎收听BBC英语教学的《地道英语》节目。
Rob Hi everyone.
Oh, Feifei, what a lovely day it is today.
Feifei What?
It's raining.
You seem to be in a good mood.
Rob Yes, yes.
I've done all my work and the boss has given me the rest of the day off… so I'm off now!
Bye bye.
Feifei Hold on Rob!
Rob 说他心情特别好的原因是下午不用上班,因为主编给他放半天假。
Err, could you at least stay and present this programme?
Rob Oh, OK then.
There's no rush to go shopping and spend the bonus he's given me, is there?
Feifei Oh come on Rob.
This doesn't sound like our boss.
You're telling me a barefaced lie。
Rob Barefaced?
No, this is my real hairy face – look!
Feifei No,单词barefaced 的意思是遥的,露骨的,毫不掩饰的,尤其用来形容某人脸皮厚,不知羞耻。
Rob 说主编给他放假,又给他发奖金,他是大言不惭地说谎话。
Sorry Rob, I think you're lying but let's hear some more examples of this phrase.
Examples The company's claim that profits had jumped by ten per cent was obviously a barefaced lie.
John was at the pub last night bragging about his goal-scoring again – but we all know he's a barefaced liar.
Feifei 我们可以用barefaced 来形容一个人“脸皮厚,不知羞耻”。
Come on, Rob, are you telling the truth?
Rob Oh well, no.
I was doing it to show you how great I am.
Feifei Well, it didn't work and I'm going to show you my 'bear' face now.
Rob Wow!
That's a real 'bear' face but at least you haven't got a beard – although if you did have one, maybe you'd look a little less.
Feifei Huh!
你真的是个barefaced cheek!
Rob Time to go, I think.
Feifei Bye.