


2016-10-27 00:00:00浏览:
abandoned forsaken by owner or inhabitants 被主人或者居民抛弃; Adopted children must face issues of abandonment as they grow older.
aggressive characteristic of an enemy or one eager to fight 富有侵略遥的人或者好斗的; But Bowser could appoint new and aggressive leaders in other city agencies, where Gray’s appointees have tended to be more cautious.
— Washington Post 3.
alienated socially disoriented 分不清方向或者目标; The more vigilant Allen was, the more resentful and alienated Nicholas became, and the worse things got.
— Class Matters 4.
apathetic showing little or no emotion or animation 对事情缺乏兴趣,无动于衷; “And some people are able to inspire otherwise apathetic young people to vote.
” — Forbes (Oct 21, 2014) 5.
ashamed feeling guilt or embarrassment or remorse 感觉内疚,尴尬,惭愧; Then, ashamed and embarrassed, he disappeared under a duvet and grieved.
— BBC (Nov 4, 2014) 6.
astonished filled with the emotional impact of overwhelming surprise 充满巨大的惊喜; "Oh my God," he sputters, clearly astonished by the claim.
— BBC (Oct 18, 2014) 7.
avoidance deliberately avoiding 故意避遥; A small percentage use it for avoidance, to create a distraction, and an even smaller percentage use it to get attention.
— New York Times (Oct 30, 2014) 8.
awful exceptionally bad or displeasing 非常不好,不高兴; Well, it's ugly, it's awful, but at least it's official.
— Los Angeles Times (Nov 11, 2014) 9.
confused unable to think with clarity or act intelligently 不能想得很明白或者有明智的行动; Veterans service organizations had braced for a flood of calls from confusedveterans, but said so far they’ve not heard any complaints.
— Washington Times (Nov 11, 2014) 10.
courageous able to face and deal with danger or fear without flinching 面对或者处理危险和恐惧而不退缩; "To share in this way is courageous, powerful and generous," Dunham tweeted at the time, adding a link to Dylan Farrow's letter.
— Seattle Times (Nov 4, 2014) 11.
depressed filled with melancholy and despondency 充满忧郁和失望; Hours of rehabilitation left him feeling depressed at times.
— Los Angeles Times (Nov 11, 2014) 12.
detestable offensive to the mind 可恶,可恨; Instead of making him more likable, it made him more detestable and he ended up becoming passive-aggressive.
— Salon (Oct 19, 2014) 13.
devastate overwhelm or overpower 毁灭或者毁坏; In the aftermath of the quake, ordinary Italians were devastated and outraged.
— The Verge (Nov 11, 2014) 14.
disillusioned freed from false ideas 不再抱有幻想,大失所望; People were scared, disillusioned and confused, so they didn’t vote.
— Salon (Nov 10, 2014) 15.
distant remote in manner 遥远的; Her parents, though, were distant, and the young Jean soon developed the strong independent streak which has characterised her life.
— BBC (Nov 10, 2014) 16.
eager having or showing keen interest or intense desire 表现出强烈的兴趣和遥; Democratic-primary voters are always eager to see a fresh potential candidate.
— The New Yorker (Nov 10, 2014) 17.
ecstatic feeling great rapture or delight 感到非常兴奋和高兴; "I was just so ecstatic to get the ring back.
" — Chicago Tribune (Nov 6, 2014) 18.
embarrassed feeling or caused to feel uneasy and self-conscious 感到很难或者难为情; Together, they embrace then pull apart as if embarrassed by the physical closeness.
— Seattle Times (Nov 10, 2014) 19.
energetic possessing or displaying forceful exertion 精力旺盛的,拥有很强的力量; Niall had been a goofy, energetic, creative kid who wasn’t quite sure what he wanted to do with his life.
— Washington Post 20.
enraged marked by extreme anger 非常的生气; When he returned home, he searched his wife’s cell phone and becameenraged when he found a picture of another man, prosecutors said.
— Reuters (Nov 7, 2014) 21.
empty void of emotion 空的,无意义的; Instead I felt empty, and inside I wanted to cry.
— BBC (Nov 11, 2014) 22.
excited in an aroused state 兴奋的,活跃的; "Musically, visually, the image, the performance, everything aligned.
I was very excited.
" — Los Angeles Times (Nov 12, 2014) 23.
hateful evoking or deserving hatred 内心激起憎恶的感觉; Most people have been supportive, she said, but others have been hateful.
— Los Angeles Times (Nov 9, 2014) 24.
hesitant unable to act or decide quickly or firmly 不能迅速,坚定的才去行动或者作出决定; He is hesitant around me, kind of respectfully shy.
hostile characterized by enmity or ill will 持有敌意或恶意; They continued to back Mr.
Dunkle, saying an independent investigation had found he had not created a hostile work environment, Bishop Sisk said.
— New York Times (Nov 7, 2014) 26.
hurt psychological suffering 心理或者身体受到伤害; “It hurts me and it pains me.
Paul is with him, but I sometimes feel like I’m failing as a mother.
” — New York Times (Nov 12, 2014) 27.
ignored disregarded 忽略,被忽视的; Have you ever felt ignored for no reason at all?
and inadequate.
indifferent marked by a lack of interest 不敢兴趣,漠不关心; A few staffers, though, seemed either indifferent or downright surly.
— Forbes (Nov 7, 2014) 29.
inquisitive showing curiosity 好奇; Her older sister, Boedges added, “is an inquisitive girl, very talkative.
” — Washington Post 30.
insecure lacking self-confidence or assurance 缺乏自信或没遥; I was so insecure, and I hated myself.
— Time (Nov 1, 2014) 31.
insignificant of little importance or influence or power; of minor status 不重要,没有影响力或者没有权利; “Hell, a kid’s already scared of being small and insignificant,” he once said.
— The New Yorker (Nov 5, 2014) 32.
intimate marked by close acquaintance, association, or familiarity 亲密的相识,联系或者熟悉为标志的; The couple grew so intimate that the woman promised she would move to New York in six months.
— New York Times (Nov 7, 2014) 33.
jealous suspicious or fearful of being displaced by a rival 怀疑或者害怕被对手取代; "I think it was really hard.
I think he was a little jealous of the video guy at first," Gomez joked.
— Los Angeles Times (Nov 6, 2014) 34.
optimistic expecting the best in this best of all possible worlds 期待可能发生较美好的事情,乐观的; She said the talks were going well and she felt optimistic that progress could be made.
— BBC (Nov 12, 2014) 35.
perplexed full of difficulty or confusion or bewilderment 感到为难,迷惑,茫然不知所措; The bankers who arrange the loan deals say that they are perplexed.
— New York Times (Nov 4, 2014) 36.
playful full of fun and high spirits 幽默有趣,很高的情绪; He says the fourth “Toy Story” installment will “open a new chapter” in the lives of Woody, Buzz and their playful pals.
— Washington Times (Nov 7, 2014) 37.
rejected rebuffed (by a lover) rebuffed (by a lover) without warning 被爱人毫无征兆的拒遥; The break up with his best friend left him feeling lonely, rejected, and generally out of sorts.
remorseful feeling or expressing pain or sorrow for sins or offenses 对罪恶和所犯下的罪行感觉很抱歉,痛苦; In a statement, Chow said the running back was “contrite, embarrassed andremorseful.
” — Washington Times (Oct 15, 2014) 39.
repugnant offensive to the mind 心里很反感,令人厌恶; These incidents now strike us as repugnant discrimination.
— Slate (Nov 7, 2014) 40.
resentful full of or marked by indignant ill will 心里充满愤怒的情绪; This is how we, the electorate, are being described: sour, dyspeptic, demoralized, disgusted, rebellious, frustrated, resentful, angry.
— Seattle Times (Nov 7, 2014) 41.
scared made afraid 害怕; "I'm scared right now," she said as she watched smoke from the burning house.
— US News (Nov 11, 2014) 42.
skeptical marked by or given to doubt 怀疑,心存疑惑; Faced with skeptical — or sexist — editors and colleagues, the women found that work sometimes came at the price of their personal lives.
— New York Times (Nov 12, 2014) 43.
submissive inclined or willing to give in to orders or wishes of others 倾向,愿意屈服别人的要求和意愿; Finally, a textbook that teaches women the manly pursuit of science in terms that our feeble, submissive lady brains will understand.
— Salon (Oct 14, 2014) 44.
terrified thrown into a state of intense fear or desperation 陷入一种惊慌害怕,遥望的境地; "She knew she was going to be murdered.
She was terrified".
— BBC (Nov 12, 2014) 45.
threatened likely in the near future to become endangered 可能在不久的将来濒临危险; "I was disgusted that my voice was ignored, but they felt threatened after being called by a politician.
" — BBC (Nov 12, 2014) 46.
victimized of persons; taken advantage of 受害者,利用; Any girl suspected of being attracted to girls was gossiped about, victimized, and shunned.
— Middlesex: A Novel 47.
vulnerable capable of being wounded or hurt 容易受伤,易受攻击的; "She is so funny and vulnerable," he said.
— Los Angeles Times (Nov 12, 2014) 48.
withdrawn tending to reserve or introspection 取出,撤退; Executive coach Maureen Moriarty believes that those who fail to communicate their feelings at work are often perceived as aloof, cold,withdrawn or untrustworthy.
— US News (Nov 11, 2014) 49.
worried afflicted with or marked by anxious uneasiness or trouble 对某人或者某事焦虑不安; According to the survey, 80% of Americans are worried about the government’s monitoring of phone and Internet communications.
— Wall Street Journal (Nov 12, 2014) 50.
worthless lacking in usefulness or value 没有用处或价值; “I was just tired of it.
I was letting my family down; I was feeling worthless.
” 这些表达心情的词汇,你都学会了吗?