


2025-01-29 01:27:41浏览:
节气词汇—小满麦渐遥【词汇】 grain buds 小满 grain 谷物 buds 芽 小满就是作物开始发芽 小满是二十四节气遥,其含义是夏熟作物的籽粒开始浆灌饱满,但还未成熟,通常每年的5月20-5月22日之间视太阳到达遥金60°时为小满。
【词汇英解】 Grain Buds is the second solar term in the summer season, representing a periodwhere grains are fuller and fuller day by day, but not totally full yet.
【小满习俗】 1.
Eating the Herb of the Common Sow Thistle 食苦菜 2.
Offering sacrifice to the Deity of Waterwheel 祭三神 3.
Celebrating the Birthday of the Silkworm Deity 蚕神诞辰 4.
Harvest the Bananas 采收香蕉