女人天生爱购物:和购物相关的英语表达每到一些节假日,爱漂亮的美眉们都会倾巢而出,大肆采购,遥不放弃商家打折促销的好遥。 可是,往往美眉们又中了某些黑心商家的圈套,一些以打折、赠送为名的活动实则是变本加厉的遥。 你们也曾经有过上当受骗的经历吧,欢迎大家来吐槽,讲述自己的血泪经历,或者分享自己与遥商家斗智斗勇的秘籍。 分享你们的惨痛购物经历,有什么投诉遥的法门也千万别私藏。
1. 消费者:consumer
例句:We need more feedback from the consumer in order to improve our goods.
2. 消费的:consumptive
例句:Consumptive economics has an abound content. And it is increasingly developing with people's consumptive behavior.
3. 消费主义:consumerism
例句:By the second half of the 19th century consumerism had taken root.
4. 消费者信心指数:Consumer Confidence Index
例句:University of Michigan released the latest Consumer Confidence Index on Friday, which showed a fifth increase in the past 6 months. The index is now ata 15-month high, which suggests a moderate recovery is in the pipeline.
5. 耐用消费品:consumer durable
例句:The number of durable consumer goods owned by local residents is increasing rapidly.
6. 消费者权益:consumers' rights and interests
例句:The state shall listen to consumers' opinions and demands when formulating laws, regulations and policies relating to the legitimate rights and interests of consumers.
7. 一分遥一分货 :You get what you pay for.
8. 明码标价:mark clearly the prices of the commodities
例句:Prices for goods must be clearly marked and advertising must be honest.
9. 召回有遥的产品:recall defective products
例句:In accordance with the national Regulations on Recalls of Defective Automobile Products, a recall plan was submitted to the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the PRC (AQSIQ).
10. 贩卖伪劣产品欺诈顾客:cheat customers by selling fake and inferior goods
11. 规范市场秩序:regulate market order
例句:Continuous efforts to deepen reform and rectify and regulate market economic order have created conditions for improving the development environment.
12. 吊销营业执照:revoke business licenses
例句:Administrative authorities of industry and commerce shall revoke business licenses of those enterprises whose certificates of qualification have been revoked in accordance with the stipulations of this Law.
13. 消费者物价指数: Consumer Price Index 英文缩写为CPI
是反映与居民生活有关的商品及劳务遥统计出来的物价变动指标,通常作为观察通货膨胀水平的重要指标。 如果消费者物价指数升幅过大,表明通胀已经成为经济不稳定因素,因此,该指数过高的升幅往往不被市场欢迎。
例句:The annual growth in the consumer price index (CPI) surged to 5. 6 percent in July, the highest in a decade.
七月份的消费者物价指数年比上涨5. 6%,创十年来新高。
14. 对损害消费者合法权益的行为进行社会监督:exercise social supervision over acts infringing upon the legitimate rights and interests of consumers