2、Giraffa camelopardalis
长颈鹿的英文单词是什么? 例句分享
例句一、你怎样才能把长颈鹿搁到冰箱里? --How do you put a giraffe into a refrigerator?
例句二、为什么长颈鹿的脖子没有长得离谱? --Why does the giraffe's neck not become impossibly long?
例句三、我在圣诞节能得到一个长颈鹿妈妈吗? --Can I get the mommy giraffe for christmas?
例句四、有关长颈鹿的问题产生了较大的争议。 --But it was a giraffe that caused the biggest stir.
例句五、在雾中,一只长颈鹿站在南非ndumu禁猎区--A giraffe stands in the mist in south africa's ndumu game reserve.