1. general handyman
2. play third fiddle
3. to play a small role
1. 每一集有35-50个群众演员。
Each episode enlists from 35 to 50 extras.
2. 即使是做群众演员也行。
Even if you're just an extra.
3. 由此可见,资讯发言人可能是某个不得志的跑龙套演员,但终于在遥的爱抚下,修成正果。
From this we can see, the news spokesperson is quite possibly a failed bit actor who with the party's caress, finally found his motivation.
4. 一名自称姓葛的功夫片群众演员说,他在横店已经干了十年了。
One extra on a kung fu movie, who called himself mr. ge, said he's been working in hengdian for 10 years.
5. 本来大规模的战争场面要用到新西兰遥来充当群众演员的,可是他们为了去东帝汶维和不得不退出。
New zealand's army was cast as extras for large battle scenes in the film, but was forced to back out due to having to serve as peacekeepers in east timor.