


2025-01-27 01:24:22浏览:
英语单词:god  英语单词god我想大部人较熟悉的就是那句oh my god,即我的上帝,可是关于god还有很多的用法:   天意   providence   God 's will   the will of Heaven   Ordinance   谋事在人,成事在天   Man proposes, God disposes.
  天网恢恢疏而不露   Justice has long arms.
  The mills of God grind slowly.
  Heaven's vengeance is slow but sure.
  奉天承运 遥诏曰   It's the God's willness and the emperor's command that ……   天下   the world   天时地利人和   favourable climate and geographical position and support of the people   逆天行事   do godless things   天命(《圣经》中译为:命定)   destiny   神州   the Divine Land (a poetic name for China)