英语遥听力:抱怨飞机晚点 乘客被列黑名单Shanghai-based Spring Airlines has now been pushed into the spotlight after a passenger recently found herself banned from buying tickets from the airline. The move came after the passenger complained about a flight delay two months ago.
Spring Airlines has confirmed they have blacklisted the passenger and some others on the same flight for their unruly behavior. But questions are popping up as to whether airlines have the power to create blacklists or refuse to take passengers.
Shanghai-based Spring Airlines, is engaged in a heated debate regarding consumer rights.
A passenger surnamed Liu complained to the media that she was banned from buying tickets from Spring Airlines after receiving 200 yuan in compensation on April 30 due to flight delays. She was told she is on the company’s "blacklist", which immediately triggered heated discussion online about growing public dissatisfaction regarding flight delays.
The airline explained that only a few passengers were blacklisted, due to their hampering of other passengers’ rights.
Zhang Wuan, Spokesperson of Spring Airlines, said, "We can totally understand their feelings regarding flight delays. But some passengers behaved so irrationally such as refusing to board the plane, blocking the boarding gate and preventing other passengers from boarding the plane. So we came up with the list. "
The list, dubbed the blacklist by many passengers, has stirred public debate about whether airlines have the power to create and enforce such lists.
"I can accept the blacklist. Some of the passenger’s unruly behavior is just too irrational. Sometimes, it affected other passengers. I totally agree with the airlines. "
"I think it is unreasonable to blacklist these passengers. If the airline provided all the service that was required, I think those passengers would not have behaved irrationally. "
The airline began the list in 2007 to protect itself from passengers who acted irrationally. He said the company hopes the list will discourage passengers from overreacting and causing further flight delays.
Zhang Wuan, said, "Passengers who agree to follow the terms when purchasing air tickets, will be welcomed and can be instantly removed from ’the list of passengers whom the airline has no ability to serve for the time-being. "This is not an isolated case. The same thing happened two years ago due to a flight delay. Civil aviation authorities said airlines do not need approval from authorities to set up a blacklist.
Many are calling for the establishment of rules for airlines concerning passenger blacklists, since airlines have different policies regarding compensation for flight delays. More stringent security checks for high-risk passengers are also being considered. 资讯资讯:2012年4月,一些哈尔滨市民乘坐春秋航空公司飞机时,出现长达8个多小时延误,航空公司为安抚情绪不满乘客,给予每人200元补偿。 但部分获赔乘客被春秋航空列入“黑名单”,无法购遥秋航空的机票。 律师称,航空公司此举涉嫌剥夺公民遥出行的权利,还涉嫌违法。 (7月18日《法制日报》)因为航班出现延误,航空公司给予乘客一定的经济补偿,应该说合情合理。 然而,航空公司在没作任何通知的前提下,将部分获赔乘客擅自列入“黑名单”,大有打击报复乘客之嫌,如此行为理应得到坚决制止。 “黑名单”是一个舶来词,在航空界称作“承运人拒载”。 根据遥民航组织发布的《防止对民用航空非法干扰行为的保安手册》规定,航空公司遥特定人员乘坐飞机是一项“遥惯例”。 尽管如此,航空“黑名单”却有着严格的标准,必须经安全、司法等部门核准后才能较终确定,也就是说拒载名单需要遥部门审批,而不是由航空公司单方面说了算。 而我国的一些航空公司照搬“黑名单”制度时,只借鉴其形式,却忽略了内在的核心。 正因为如此,才使得“黑名单”具有很大的随意遥,也容易激化乘客与航空公司之间的矛盾。 (编辑:何莹莹)