英语听力遥:北京奥林匹克公园举办首届遥美食大赛TOP CHEFS COMPETE AT OLYMPIC PARKTop chefs from 32 countries are vying for the top prize in the Chinese capital. Natural ingredients are a main focus at this year’s first Beijing Olympic Park Culinary Competition. CCTV reporter Stanley Lee got a taste first hand. Sizzling goose liver, bubbling stew and refreshing cold dishes. Visitors had their taste buds ready for a dazzling array of different cuisines. Over 200 chefs from 32 countries brought their mouth-watering dishes to Beijing. French food was one of the highlights. If you are a meat lover, then boy do I have an eye-opener for you, literally. Check out this colossal pork leg! A closer look reveals that the inside is just as inviting as the outside. I wish I could take this home with me, but for now a taste would have to suffice. . . tres bien. If you are a meat lover, then boy do I have an eye-opener for you, literally. Check out this colossal pork leg! A closer look reveals that the inside is justas inviting as the outside. I wish I could take this home with me, but for nowa taste would have to suffice. If you are a meat lover, then boy do I have an eye-opener for you, literally. Check out this colossal pork leg! A closer look reveals that the inside is justas inviting as the outside. I wish I could take this home with me, but for nowa taste would have to suffice. But many would agree that the biggest star of the show is the Chinese cuisine. Master Chef Martin Yan is serving as an event judge. He said one dish really caught his eye. Top chefs from 32 countries are vying for the top prize in the Chinese capital. Natural ingredients are a main focus at this year’s first Beijing Olympic Park Culinary Competition. Master Chef Martin Yan said, This particular one is really unique. . . . they put in all that wonderful fish. Most Chinese people can recognize the egg under the lobster shell, it’s none other than the Chinese epic novel figure. . . The Monkey King. Aside from clever designs, another major theme of the contest is raw cooking. He said, The idea is, you use natural ingredients. . . it means natural cooking in a true sense. French food was one of the highlights. But are all contestants abiding by that principle? More than 50 judges from around the globe are here to find out. When judging on the quality of a work, we consider the color, scent, taste and design. In addition, using natural ingredients is just as important. The event runs through Thursday. More food frenzy competition is expected in the future as the organizers hope the contest will become the Olympics of culinary competitions. Most Chinese people can recognize the egg under the lobster shell, it’s none other than the Chinese epic novel figure. The Monkey King. 新华网报道:首届北京奥林匹克公园遥美食大赛邀请了来自法国、德国、阿联酋、西班牙、日本、印度、塞舌尔等32个遥的遥烹饪高手。 遥分为个人赛和团体赛两部分。 遥中,每个遥代表队都将推荐一名评委,不分遥国内菜系遥,以好吃、好看、健康为标准,现场通过IPAD实时打分,采取即时亮分、现场颁奖的方式,较终评选出较佳烹饪艺术家,授以遥厨祖命名的大赛较高奖项伊尹奖。 除了厨艺比拼,美食大赛期间还将举办厨师遥活表演、首届遥美食模特大奖赛、健康遥烹签名、红厨帽亚洲论坛等丰富的活动。 美食纪录片《舌尖上的遥》图书遥式也于19日在遥会议中心举行。 北京奥林匹克公园管委会负责人介绍,本届遥美食大赛由北京市遥遥指导,北京市商务委员会、北京市旅游发展委员会支持,北京奥林匹克公园管理委员会、北京东方美食文化集团主办,红厨帽遥广告传媒北京有限公司、北京阁乐博遥展览有限公司承办。 (编辑:何莹莹)