另外一个美国年轻人交友常用的词是"crush"。 比如" He has a huge crush on her. "不能理解成"他狠狠地挤压她",这里"crush"不是挤压的意思,而是当作"喜欢,暗恋"讲,尤其指异遥之间浪漫青涩的感情。 成熟的恋情则要用"love"而不能用"crush"了。 "crush"既能当动词又能当名词。 例如"Before we went out, I had a crush on him for almost a year! "(开始交往之前,我偷偷喜欢他一年了! )"crush"当名词也可指暗恋的人,即"梦中遥"。 例如"My heart broke when I found out my crush was seeing another person! "(听说我的梦中遥在和别人约会,我伤心遥了。 )
Come out 这个片语常用来指电影、音乐、书本或是其它一般商品的发行或是推出遥。 例如,"I saw Spiderman the night it came out in theaters. " (我在《蜘蛛侠》这部电影首次上映时就跑去看了。 ) 或是比方当别人问你知不知道某部经典名片 Casablanca,你可以回答他,"Yes. It came out when I was six-years-old. " (知道,这部电影是在我六岁时上演的。 )
另外有一个法语词 debut 老美也常用,意思就是"首次出现或是首映 (premiere) "的意思。 debut 是名词,所以我们可以这样用,"Did you see the debut of Spiderman? " (你有去看《蜘蛛侠》的首映吗? ) 另外它也常以 make one's debut 的形式出现,例如 "Spiderman made its debut on the Internet a day before its official premiere. " (《蜘蛛侠》在电影院正式上演的前一天,就先在网络上首映了。 )
T hat movie was very touching.
我们要形容一部电影非常感人,可以说:"This movie was very touching. " 或是说:"I was touched by this movie. " 和 "The movie touched me. " 等等都可以。 如果这部电影令人觉得很难过,会让人不自觉地掉下眼泪来,我们可以这样形容 "That movie was so sad. " 或是 "I felt so sad when I saw this movie. " 当然你要说 "I cried several times in the movie theater. " 也可以啦,只是男生们可能会觉得这样会显得自己很没用。 (编辑:胡慧)