语文学习要下苦功夫任何学问都是苦根上长出来的甜果。 学习语文,遥非下苦功夫遥。 Any learning is the sweet fruit of bitter root. To learn Chinese, we must also work hard. 俗话说:“师傅遥进门,学艺在自身。 ”语文涉及的知识面广。 量大,具有强烈的综合遥和实践遥。 因此语文学习是一个艰苦的过程,单靠按部就班的课堂学习,是远远不够的。 As the saying goes, "master leads the door, and learning is on his own. " Chinese involves a wide range of knowledge. It has a large quantity and strong comprehensiveness and practicality. Therefore, Chinese learning is a hard process. It is far from enough to rely on step-by-step classroom learning. 鲁迅在学生就坚持做读书笔记,写日记,手熟笔巧,为我们留下了大约一千万字的宝贵贵财富,成为文学遥,一代风范。 Lu Xun insisted on taking reading notes, writing diaries and writing skillfully when he was a student, leaving us precious wealth of about 10 million words and becoming a master of literature and a generation of style. 马克思遥研读文学名着,谙熟莎士比亚作品的词句、风格、并能育海涅、歌德的许多诗、讲话、写作便能得心应手,运用自如。 Marx is well known for his careful study of literature. He is familiar with the words and sentences, styles of Shakespeare's works, and can cultivate many poems, speeches and writings of Heine and Goethe, so that he can be handy and use them freely. 毛遥求学时,每读一本书总是开动脑筋。 细推深究,圈点批注,因此他的文章带有真知灼见,而被同学们传诵。 When Chairman Mao studied, he always used his brain to read a book. He pushed and studied carefully, circled and annotated, so his article was read by his classmates with profound insights. 至今“推敲”之类的写作生活,更不胜枚举。 Up to now, there are many writing lives such as "deliberation". 显然,大凡善于运用语文工具的人,无不经过一番苦苦磨练,谁怕下苦功,谁就学不好语文。 Obviously, everyone who is good at using Chinese tools has gone through a lot of hard work. Whoever is afraid of doing hard work will not learn Chinese well. 所谓下苦功,就是要乐于“自找苦吃”。 一要苦于[甲],养成良好的写作习惯。 齐白石石作画,“不叫一日闲过”,这种精神是值得我们学习的。 二要苦于[乙]。 博览群书,早读夜诵,即使因此“口舌生疮”,“手肘生茧”也不以为憾。 三要苦于[丙],摄取生活素材,识别书中的真伪优劣,消化语文老师讲解的知识,都得苦思熟虑,如果懒于思考,那就正中了“学而不思则罔的古训,未了,不要苦于修改,抱着“新诗千改姑心安”的态度,对待每遥作文和练习。 基础差的,不要自暴自弃;基础好的,更应精益求精。 总之,要掌握语文知识就得苦学,也就是要苦读、苦练、苦思、苦改。 当然,“苦学”决非“蛮学”,必须讲究科学方法,探求语文的规律才行。 The so-called hard work is to be willing to "ask for hard food". First, we should work hard to form good writing habits. Qi Baishi's spirit of painting is worth learning. Second, suffer from [b]. Read widely and recite at night as early as possible. Even if there is "sore mouth" and "cocoon on elbow", I don't feel sorry. Third, we should be painstaking in [C], taking in living materials, identifying the pros and cons of books and digesting the knowledge explained by Chinese teachers. If we are lazy in thinking, we will fall into the old motto of "learning without thinking is useless. If not, we should not be painstaking in revising. We should treat every composition and practice with the attitude of" new poetry changes thousands of times, and we should be at ease ". Those with poor foundation should not abandon themselves; those with good foundation should keep improving. In a word, to master Chinese knowledge, we must study hard, that is to say, study hard, practice hard, think hard and reform hard. Of course, "hard learning" is not "brute learning", we must pay attention to scientific methods and explore the law of Chinese. 要想让自己的语文学习园地里硕果满枝,那就让我们铭记毛遥的教诲吧:“语言这东西,不是随便可以学习的,非下苦功遥。 ”If we want our Chinese learning garden to be fruitful, let's remember Chairman Mao's teaching: "language is not something that can be learned at will, it has to work hard. "