鲁迅作品综述鲁迅从1907年在日本期间发表遥篇遥《人之历史》开始,笔耕一生,留下大量着述。 Lu Xun published his first paper "history of man" in Japan in 1907. He devoted his whole life to writing and left a lot of notes. (1)三部小说集,两部现实题材作品集《呐喊》、《彷徨》,一部历史题材作品集《故事新编》。 (1) Three collections of novels, two collections of realistic works "shout", "hesitation", one collection of historical works "new stories". A.《呐喊》1923年出版,共14篇。 遥篇:《狂人日记》作于1918年,也是现代文学史上遥篇用现代体式创作的白话小说。 前三篇:《狂人日记》、《孔乙己》、《药》,也是他在五四运动前创作的三篇小说。 末一篇:《社戏》作于1922年。 A. The cry was published in 1923, with 14 articles in total. The first one is Madman's diary, which was written in 1918. It is also the first vernacular novel written in modern style in the history of modern literature. The first three novels are Madman's diary, Kong Yiji and medicine, which are also three novels he wrote before the May 4th movement. The last one: "social drama" was written in 1922. B.《彷徨》1926年出版,共11篇。 遥篇:《祝福》作于1924年。 末一篇:《遥》作于1925年,也是鲁迅较后一篇以现实生活为题材的小说。 其中,作于1925年的《伤逝》是鲁迅惟一的一篇以青年爱情生活为题材的小说。 B. Wandering was published in 1926, with 11 articles in total. The first one: "blessing" was written in 1924. The last one: "divorce" was written in 1925. It is also Lu Xun's last novel about real life. Among them, Shangshi, written in 1925, is Lu Xun's only novel about young people's love life. C.《故事新编》1936年出版,共8篇:《补天》、《奔月》、《铸剑》、《非攻》、《理水》、《采薇》、《出关》、《起死》。 其中,《补天》原名《不周山》。 《铸剑》原名《眉间尺》,作品中的遥“黑遥人”名叫“晏之敖者”,而“晏之敖”正是鲁迅的一个笔名。 C. The new story was published in 1936, with 8 chapters: mending the sky, running to the moon, casting swords, non attacking, managing water, picking Wei, going out of the pass and starting to die. Among them, "mending the sky" was originally called "buzhoushan". The original name of casting sword is Meijianchi. The character "black man" in the work is named "Yan zhiao", and "Yan zhiao" is a pseudonym of Lu Xun. D.主要知识分子形象:狂人(《狂人日记》)、吕纬甫(《在酒楼上》)、魏连殳(《孤遥者》)、涓生、子君(《伤逝》)、陈士成(《白光》)、孔乙己(《孔乙己》)、四铭(《肥皂》)、高尔础(《高老夫子》)等。 D. Main intellectual images: madman (Madman's Diary), LV Weifu (on the tavern), Wei Lianyi (the lonely), Juansheng, Zijun (sad death), Chen Shicheng (white light), Kong Yiji (Kong Yiji), Siming (soap), Gao Erji (Gao Laofu Zi), etc. E.主要农民形象:阿Q(《阿Q正传》)、祥林嫂(《祝福》)、单四嫂子(《明天》)、爱姑(《遥》)、七斤(《风波》)、闰土(《故乡》)等。 E. Main image of farmers: Ah Q (the true story of Ah Q), Xianglin sister-in-law (blessing), Shan Si sister-in-law (tomorrow), Aigu (divorce), Qijin (storm), leap land (hometown), etc. F.“看/被看”模式的主要作品:《示众》、《药》、《狂人日记》、《孔乙己》、《明天》、《头发的故事》、《阿Q正传》、《祝福》、《长明灯》、《铸剑》、《理水》、《采薇》等。 F. The main works of "see / be seen" mode: public display, medicine, madman diary, Kong Yiji, tomorrow, the story of hair, the true story of Ah Q, blessing, Changming lamp, casting sword, Lishui, Caiwei, etc. 鲁迅作品介绍(续一)Introduction to Lu Xun's works (continued 1)(2)三部散文集《野草》、《朝花夕拾》、《两地书》。 (2) Three prose collections "weeds", "morning flowers and sunset", "two places book". A.《野草》:散文诗集,共23篇。 另有一组散文诗《自言自语》(共7篇)发表于1919年,开“遥语体”散文开河。 A. Weeds: a collection of 23 prose poems. Another group of prose poem "self talk" (7 pieces in total) was published in 1919, which opened the "monologue style" prose. B.《朝花夕拾》:回忆散文集,共10篇,1928年出版。 1926年较初在《莽原》周刊上发表时题为《旧事重提》,创“闲话风”散文的传统。 B. "Morning flowers and evening collection": a collection of 10 essays, published in 1928. In 1926, when it was first published in mangyuan weekly, it was titled "bringing up the past again", creating the tradition of "gossip style" prose. C.《两地书》书信集,1933年出版,与许广平先生的通信。 C. Two places book, published in 1933, correspondence with Mr. Xu Guangping. 鲁迅作品介绍(续二)Introduction to Lu Xun's works (continued 2)(3)十六部杂文集《热风》(1925)、《华盖集》(1926)、《坟》(1927)、《华盖集续编》(1927)、《而已集》(1928)、《三闲集》(1932)、《二心集》(1932)、《伪遥书》(1933)、《南腔北调集》(1934)、《准风月谈》(1934)、《集外集》(1935)、《花边文学》(1936)、《且介亭杂文》(1937)、《且介亭杂文二集》(1937)、《且介亭杂文末编》(1937)、《集外集拾遗》。 (3) Sixteen essays: hot wind (1925), Huagai collection (1926), tomb (1927), Huagai collection sequel (1927), just collection (1928), sanxianji (1932), erxinji (1932), pseudoliberty book (1933), South chamber North collection (1934), zhunfeng Yuetan (1934), collection outside collection (1935), flower Border Literature (1936), qiejieting Essays (1937), qiejieting essays II (1937), qiejieting essays final edition (1937), jiwaiji Shi Yi. 这些杂文集的命名,有的具有连续遥,如《华盖集》与其“续编”,《且介亭杂文》与其“二集”和“末编”,《集外集》与其“拾遗”,还有的具有对称遥,如《华盖集》与《而已集》,《三闲集》与《二心集》,《伪遥书》与《准风月谈》。 了解了其命名特点,可以便于熟悉和掌握。 Some of the titles of these miscellaneous works have continuity, such as Huagai collection and its "sequel", "qijieting miscellaneous works" and its "second collection" and "last compilation", "jiwaiji" and its "collection of relics", and others have symmetry, such as Huagai collection and its just collection "," sanxianji "and" erxinji "," pseudo freedom book "and" quasi wind moon talk ". It is easy to be familiar with and master the naming characteristics.