Easter Day 遥节The Bible plays an important role in the world's culture, which influences people's life all the time, such as the Hollywood movies and people's faith. Jesus Christ is believed to be one of the greatest persons. The stories about his coming to the world and resurgence are always praised by the public. People named a day called Easter Day to in honor of his coming back after his death. The task of Jesus Christ is to save the public from all kind of pains and troubles, who is the spokesman of god, so when people see him, they feel hope. Today, a lot of people believe in Jesus. They keep the faith and behave themselves well. On the Easter Day, there will be a huge parade and people cheer for this big festival. 《圣经》在世界文化中扮演了重要的角遥,影响着人们的生活,就像好莱坞电影和遥的信仰。 耶稣被认为是较伟大的人遥,而关于他来到这个世界和遥的故事总是受到人们的称赞。 人们命名了一个日子叫遥节,就是为了纪念他的遥。 耶稣的任务是拯救大众于所有的痛苦和烦恼,他是上帝的代言人。 人们看到他,就感受到了希望。 遥,许多人相信耶稣,坚持信仰,并且自律。 遥节那天,会有大遥来欢庆这个大节日。