这里有狗出没,请千万注意!爸爸在车道门口立着一块“Beware of
Dog”的牌子,但其实我家里根本不存在这种叫做“dog”的生物。 在我的童年里,倒是曾经有一只清心寡欲的乌龟住过我家,没多久却又不知所终。
We didn’t have a dog, but my father, a practical man, decided not to remove
the “Beware of Dog” sign that the house’s previous owners had left on the
driveway[1] gate. We were transplants[2] twice over—he and my mother had come
from Taiwan to the United States; his now-expanded family of five had moved from
New England to Los Angeles—and here, after all those miles traveled and
paychecks saved, we would make our home. Dad found it sensible to have strangers
believing that a creature of instinct was standing guard. [3]
What I really wanted, though, was a puppy[4]. I bothered my parents about it
to no end[5], thinking that the sign should reflect some aspect of reality—if
not the beware part, then at least the dog. So my father must have figured he’d
gotten a break when, one day, while in the car returning from a swimming lesson,
my brothers and I spotted a tortoise crawling along the sidewalk. [6] We
clambered[7] out and gathered around. He was about the size of a dinner plate. A
slow-moving, noiseless, virtually maintenance-free[8] animal, appearing on our
way home. My father looked skyward. It must have been willed[9]. He grasped the
shell at three and nine o’clock, like a steering wheel, and set the creature in
the back of the station wagon. [10]
How a land tortoise ended up on a road in suburban southern California was a
mystery. My dad speculated that the little guy had been hitchhiking his way
around the country. [11] To me, he was a most welcome passenger. Over the next
few weeks, all the affection I’d been saving for a warm-blooded pet was unloaded
on Snappy, who, despite his name, tolerated my hugs with stoic resolve. [12]
Sure, he was more reserved than a puppy, but my new companion inspired daydreams
about roaming unexplored lands,[13] my home on my back, free from duties.
Imagination got the best of[14] me. One afternoon while meandering about the
neighborhood, I suddenly realized that I’d left Snappy unattended in the
backyard. The search was fruitless. Perhaps he was ambling on a sidewalk
somewhere, maybe huddled in his shell on the floorboards of another family’s
car,[15] taking his next ride out of town.
I was only about 8 then. Still, I knew that the already-dubious notion that I
could be a responsible caretaker of pets was dashed for the rest of my
childhood:[16] A tortoise had run away under my watch. But adolescence came
along, and it was toward the end of my senior year in high school that I had the
audacity to bring into my parents’ house Millie, a 3-month-old mix of various
breeds, including beagle, which is mostly what she resembled. [17] She’d
whimpered and squirmed in the passenger seat the whole ride there. [18] I
explained to my parents that a school friend was hoping we could provide a warm,
welcoming home. They frowned as I emptied a plastic bag of doggy nibbles in the
middle of the kitchen floor. [19] Millie picked at a few sheepishly[20], glancing
at each of us between bites.
“Don’t look at me like that,” my father said, softening a bit. The animal
then stood on all fours, gazed up at all of us gratefully, and urinated all over
the linoleum. [21]
Millie was returned. I shipped off to the East Coast for college. For the
next 15 years, I felt as if I was carrying my home on my back. I lived under 19
different roofs in 11 cities, with significant periods in two countries abroad.
All the while my parents remained in the same house—and always there was that
sign, increasingly tattered by the elements, admonishing would-be intruders to
“Beware of Dog. ”[22]
Then there was the time I walked up the driveway to discover a brand-new
sign—“Beware of Dog”—in place of the old one! And still, cruelest of fates, no
furry friend[23] in the backyard to justify the warning.
I have since made a new home, with the woman I love. Our house doesn’t have a
dog in the backyard, either. My wife, a practical woman, stresses the importance
of hygiene[24] if we’re to have a baby. It’s a not-so-veiled suggestion of
what’s to come, one that my own parents prefer to express in the declarative
rather than the conditional. [25] Apparently, they’ve forgotten that a land
tortoise went AWOL[26] under my watch. But as it happens, the idea of taking on
a fellow traveler is slowly starting to grow on me. In my more daring flights of
fancy[27] I even consider placing a “Baby on Board” sign in our car, to
encourage safe driving from nearby vehicles. Premature[28]? Maybe. Or maybe not.
Children, tortoises, puppies—who knows what precious cargo we might pick up on
our way home.
1. driveway: 私家车道。
2. transplant: 移居者,迁移者。
3. sensible: 明智的,合乎情理的;stand guard: 站岗。
4. puppy: 小狗,幼犬。
5. to no end: 没完没了地。
6. spot: 发现,注意到;tortoise: 乌龟;crawl: 爬行。
7. clamber:(吃力地)攀爬。
8. maintenance-free: 无需照管的。
9. will: 对……施加影响,左右。
10. 他握着乌龟壳的左右两端,就像方向盘一样,把这只动物放到了(客货两用)轿车的后面。 o’clock: ……方向,three
o’clock指正右方,nine o’clock指正左方。
11. speculate: 推测,猜测;hitchhike: 遥搭乘。
12. 我把为一个温血宠物积攒的所有热情都释放到了Snappy的身上。 尽管他名字的意思是“活泼敏捷”,他却决意清心寡欲的忍受我的拥抱。
13. reserved: 矜持寡言的;roam: 漫游,下文的meander和amble与之同义。
14. get the best of: 这里指我整天浮想联翩。
15. huddle: 蜷缩;floorboard:(汽车的)底板。
16. dubious: 可疑的,没把握的;dash: 使(某人的希望或期望)破灭,受挫。
17. adolescence: 青春期;audacity: 大胆无畏;breed: 品种;beagle: 比格犬,一种小遥;resemble:
18. whimper: 抽泣;squirm: 蠕动,扭动。
19. frown: 皱眉;nibble:(咬下的)少量食物。
20. sheepishly: 胆怯地。
21. on all fours: 四脚着地,爬着;urinate: 撒尿;linoleum: 油地毡。
22. tatter: 摧毁,破坏;the elements: 自然因素,指风霜雨雪等;admonish: 警告;intruder:
23. furry friend: 长有皮毛的朋友,指“狗”。
24. hygiene: 卫生。
25. 这是对即将发生之事的一种不太含蓄的暗示,而对此我父母却宁可选择陈述句而非条件句来表达。
26. AWOL: =absent without leave,不辞而别的。
27. flight of fancy: 异想天开。
28. premature: 过早的。