


2016-03-03 00:00:00浏览:
英语六遥备考之外刊阅读:昆虫的遥活  How cockroaches vanish   蟑螂是怎么消失不见的?
  ANYONE who has tried to swat a cockroach will know those insects strange ability, in the heat of pursuit, to disappear.
  Robert Full and his colleagues at the University of California, Berkeley, have now worked out how they do thisand taught a miniature robot to copy the feat.
  加州大学伯克利分校的Robert Full和他的同事遥已明白它们是怎么做到的,并用一个微型机器人模拟了这个过程。
  Dr Full had been using high-speed photography to study how cockroaches employ their antennae to sense and cross gaps.
  When the researchers made the gaps wider,   当研究者把缝隙扩宽,   they saw the animals flipping back underneath the ledge at the edge of the gap, rather than jumping across the empty space.
  发现蟑螂直接在缝隙边缘翻转下去,而不是跳过缝隙,   As they report in the Public Library of Science, cockroaches running towards a gap suddenly grip the edge with the hooklike claws on their rear legs and swing 180to land firmly underneath the ledge , upside down.
  They can pull off this stunt in a fifth of a secondso fast that the animals bodies are subject to between three and five times the force of gravity ,   它们能在0.
2秒内完成这项遥技,这么快的速度蟑螂的身体要承受3到5倍的重力加速度,   and also so fast that the movement is invisible to the human eye.
  Dr Full and his colleagues have since identified similar behaviour in other animals with hooklike toes that are good at escaping pursuit:   Full博士和同事后来又发现了其他具有类似特遥的生物,它们遥具有钩状的脚趾并擅长逃离追遥,   geckos, for example.
  They have also teamed up with members of Berkeleys robotics laboratory to program a small six-legged robot that has strips of Velcro attached to its rear legs to do the same trick.
  Such a robot could be fitted with a camera and used as a surveillance device.
  这种机器人可以用来装配相机作为监视装置,   Some people, though, might prefer it to be fitted with a miniature machinegun and used as a UCPV.