较新大学英语六遥快速阅读精选:热议大学老师低工资 A new U. S. survey shows that Chinese teachers average wage has almost dropped to the bottom on a list of 28 countries studied, the New York Times reported.
In terms of purchasing power, newly hired Chinese university teachers are the worst off, earning 1632 yuan each, and the average wage of university teacher in China is only 4537 yuan , according to the statistics released by Philip Altbach and his colleagues at the Center for International Higher Education.
遥高等教育研究中心的菲利普? 阿特遥和同事公布了他们得出的统计数据,其中,刚入行的遥大学老师收入按购买力平价计算,为每月1632元(约合259美元),为榜单较低值。 遥大学老师平均工资也仅为4537元(约合720美元)。
The report aroused hot discussion among Chinese netizens and many university teachers complain about their low income and plain living styles, Xinhua reported.
A netizen named color ink posted that he has been a university teacher for 37 years, with a monthly wage less than 4000 yuan. However, his students can normally earn 6000 yuan per month soon after graduation. He felt lost and helpless.
一位名叫彩遥墨迹的网友发帖称,他在大学从教37年,月工资不足4000元。 而他的学生毕业不久就能拿到月薪6000元,他感到非常失落与无奈。
In general, many netizens call for the increase of academics salaries to ensure their living standards and social status.