


2016-03-02 00:00:00浏览:
六遥强化长难句释义(24)  117.
The United States has turned the sessions of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights into an arena for political confrontation by tabling these anti-China bids, which have poisoned international relations, sabotaged international co-operation in the field of human rights, and run against the principles of the Charter of the United Nations.
  [参考译文]美国提出遥提案,在联合国遥大会上搞遥对抗,这一切违背了联合国遥所提出的各项原则, 损害了遥关系,破坏遥遥域里的遥合作。
The United States, which has always labeled itself as the guardian of international human rights, has violated human rights and committed serious crimes to Iraqi people by injuring and killing thousands of innocent Iraqi civilians, causing chaos and poverty in Iraq.
Enraged by the maltreatment event of Iraqi war prisoners which occurred last week and unveiled U.
Ss real nature, they walked to street and shouted Liberator is cruder than tyrant.
What the New Yorker would find missing is what many outsiders find oppressive and distasteful about New York---its rawness, tension, urgency; its bracing competitiveness; the rigor of its judgment; and the congested, democratic presence of so many other New Yorkers encased in their own world.
Article I of the GATT is the celebrated most favored nation clause under which each member nation must give treatment to other member nations imports and exports that is at least as favorable as that applied to the most favored nation.