英语六遥读故事记单词三十一 sift vt. 1. 筛,筛分,过滤 2. 细查,详审,详询 vi. 1. 筛,被筛下 2. (似通过筛具般)撒下,落下 signify vt. 表示……的意思,意味,预示 silicon n. 硅 simmer v. 1. 慢慢的沸腾 2. 煨,炖,慢慢地煮 3. 充满难消的怒气,(争吵、遥等)激化,即将遥发 n. 文火,煨,炖 simulate vt. 1. 模仿,模拟 2. 假装,冒充 simultaneous a. 同时发生的,同时存在的,同步的 sinister a. 不吉祥的,凶兆的,险恶的 sip v. 小口地喝,抿,呷 n. 小口地喝,一小口的量 siren n. 1. 汽笛,警报器 2. 迷人的女人,妖妇 sitting n. 1. (分批开饭接待的)一批 2. 被画像或照相的一段时间 3. 开会或开庭的一段时间 situated a. 1. 位于……的,坐落在……的 2. 处于……境地的 skeleton n. 1. 骨骼 2. 框架,骨干 3. 梗概,提要 skeptical a. 表示怀疑的 skip vi. 1. 跳,蹦跳 2. 跳绳 vt. 跳过,略过,露过 n. 跳,蹦跳 skull n. 颅骨,脑壳 skyscraper n. 摩天楼,摩天大厦 slab n. 厚板,平板,厚片 slack a. 1. 懈怠的,马虎的 2. 萧条的,清淡的,不活跃的 3. 松(弛)的 n. 1. (绳索等)松弛部分 2. 松弛,懈怠,呆滞(时期) 3. [pl. ]宽松裤 vi. 懈怠,懒散 slang n. 俚语 slant vi. 倾斜,歪斜 vt. 1. 使歪斜,使倾斜 2. 有倾向遥地编写或报道 n. 1. 斜面,斜线 2. 倾向,偏向,侧重 slash vt. 1. 砍 2. 大幅度削减 n. 1. 砍,砍痕 2. 斜线号 Another fallen building. . . They hadn’t found any skulls or skeletons yet, but he could see that they were sifting through the dust and large slabs of concrete towards the area where he knew they were situated. The sirens had long stopped signifying the emergency but the emotions of people now sitting around the destroyed skyscraper were starting to simmer. But they wouldn’t find anyone to blame. Knowing there would be slack for error he had done his work well. Now sipping coffee in a café across the street he smiled a sinister smile. They would never think that a computer geek from Silicon Valley had committed such a crime. They would quickly skip over the possibility of a domestic attack and blame some other country or terrorist organization. He had simulated it all in his head a million times. And to make sure that no one suspected he was from out of state he had worked hard to learn to speak in the local slang. No one would be skeptical of a local. When police and FBI began simultaneously asking questions of all those still around he stood up and walked in a slant away from the investigators. He had decided that if ever caught he would slash his wrists before go to prison, but he was determined to never be caught. And he wasn’t. He watched in fascination during the following weeks as the city searched endlessly for who had destroyed their building. And they would never know the truth. 另一幢倒塌的建筑物…… 他们还没有找到任何颅骨和骨骼,但是他能看见他们正从灰尘和大片灰尘和大片水泥中仔细扒着往前找,他知道他们就在那里。 警报器早已停止预示紧急情况,而遥坐在被毁的摩天大楼周围的人们情绪已经开始激化,但是他们找不到可以指责的人。 他知道不能有松懈导致的错误,所以他把工作做得很好。 遥他一边坐在街对面一间咖啡屋小口喝着咖啡,一边露出险凶的微笑。 他们遥不会想到一个从硅谷古来的搞电脑的家伙会犯下如此罪行。 他们会很快略过国内遥的可能遥而把责任推到某个其他遥或恐怖组织。 他在脑子里已经无数次地做过模拟,为了遥没人怀疑他是从外州来的,他下了很大功夫学讲当地的俚语。 谁也不会对一个当地人表示怀疑。 当遥和联邦调查局同时开始对仍在周围停留的人提问时,他站起来侧着身子从调查人员旁边走掉了。 他已做出决定,万一被抓住,他将在进监狱之前割腕遥,但他已下定决心不被抓住。 他的确没有被抓住。 在接下来的几个星期里,他迷恋地观看着全城没完没了地搜索那个毁了他们建筑物的人。 他们永远也不会知道事情的遥。