


2016-03-02 00:00:00浏览:
CET6词汇语法模拟题集6  1.
He is a ____ and well-behaved child, but his parents worry about   him for he talks too little.
  obedient      transient   conscious      passionate   2.
He becomes more and more arrogant and his imperative accent   ____ me completely.
  confuses      dispels   compels       repels   3.
These days I was always dreaming a ____ dream in which I   was chased by a horrible demon.
  enthusiastic    fancy   optimistic     fantastic   4.
The villagers all signed a ____ asking for a hospital to be built.
  bill        vote   petition      treaty   5.
Many traditional Chinese believe that high forehead is ____ of   great mental power.
  objective      indicative   directive      decisive   6.
For years Blair family ____ the hope of a trip abroad, and it was   not realized until recently when they came to China.
  nourished      nurtured   prospered      maintained   7.
Their marriage came to an end because they were simply not ____   with each other.
  comparable     identical   compatible     conspicuous   8.
There are many outstanding musicians at that time, but he is no   doubt the ____ one of his day.
  notorious      former   fundamental     foremost   9.
Large price increases could ____ demands for even larger wage   increases.
  triple       trigger   attribute to    inject   10.
Though you are not well-paid now, it is a job and will bring you   great profit in the long run.
  promising      predictable   encouraging     inspiring   11.
In this factory the machines are not regulated ____ but are jointly   controlled by a central computer system.
  independently    individually   irrespectively   irregularly   12.
Every chemical change either results from energy being used to   produce the change, or causes energy to be ____ in some form.
  given off      put out   set off       used up   13.
If businessmen are taxed too much, they will no longer be   motivated to work hard, with the result that incomes from taxation   might actually ____.
  shrink       delay   disperse      sink   14.
American companies are evolving from mass-production   manufacturing to ____ enterprises.
  moveable      changing   flexible      varying   15.
If you know what the trouble is, why dont you help them to ____   the situation?
  simplify      modify   verify       rectify   16.
I cannot believe she is leaving the company--I thought she was a   permanent ____.
  fitting       fixture   appliance      attachment   17.
The newspaper said yesterday two trains ____ and led to more   than 200 casualties.
  smashed       crushed   collapsed      collided   18.
The ____ may laugh at his music, but we know better.
  municipality    multitude   attitude      altitude   19.
We must respect others ____ and should not always pry into   others personal affairs.
  isolation      attachment   intimacy      privacy   20.
The two companies are working in ____ with each other to make   their products more competitive in the market.
  coincidence     corporation   ministration    collaboration   21.
These causes produced the great change in the country that   modernized the ____ of higher education from the mid-1860s to   the mid-1880s.
  branch       category   domain       scope   22.
Nobody yet knows how long and how seriously the ____ in the   financial system will drag down the economy.
  shallowness     shakiness   scantiness     stiffness   23.
Crisis would be the right term to describe the ____ in many animal   species.
  minimization    restriction   descent       decline   24.
The city is an important railroad ____ and industrial and   convention center.
  conjunction     network   junction      link   25.
White, my respected tutor, frequently reminds me to ____   myself of every chance to improve my English.
  assure       inform   avail        notify   26.
The professors questions ____ me completely because I   couldnt answer any of them.
  crumpled      enlightened   baffled       intimidated   27.
The other day when I sat on the lawn thinking about my university   days, the sudden hoot of a whistle my thoughts.
  broke up      broke into   plunge into     inserted into   28.
The bump on the right side of her cheek spoilt the ____ of her face.
  impulse       dignity   temperament     symmetry   29.
The basketball players in the national team tried to keep   themselves ____ in order to defeat their opponent.
  on duty       on watch   in shape      in time   30.
A book had been stolen and some children claimed that Tom did it,   but Toms mother said she was sure her son was ____.
  innocent      superstitious   elegant       suspicious