2019年6月英语六遥作文解析:试卷二理解尊重(文都教育)此时此刻,2019年6月大学英语六遥考试已然结束,广大考生应该有切身的感触,今年的六遥作文相对以往稍微困难一些,具体体遥其科学遥和时代遥。 当下随着科学技术特的迅猛发展,人们在工作岗位中有更多的交集,在这个过程中,如何保持相互的理解与尊重是非常重要的人际交往准则,这次作文也是围绕这个展开,下面文都四六遥老师为大家推出大学英语六遥作文真题解析—相互理解与尊重相关范文供大家参考。 参考范文:When it comes to interpersonal relationships, it is important to show mutual understanding and respect. It is apparent that mutual understanding and respect are crucial. Hardly can any one achieve success in his career without this. When we are in the workplace, mutual understanding and respect also should be emphasized. For example, you may have a different perspective on how a task will proceed with your college, if you understand that it is natural that people could have different perspectives because of diverse upbringing and education, quarrels could be avoided and a solution might be found. Also,if you respect one another at work, automatically you will be able to earn respect in return. And one of the biggest benefits of respecting one another in workplace is that you begin to improve relationships and a friendly and productive working environment can be createdOn the basis of the analysis above, we may draw a conclusion that mutual understanding and respect really count in this competitive society. Hence ,we should learn to respect people around us. 参考译文:相互理解与尊重在人际关系中起着非常重要的作用。 理解与尊重的好处是显而易见的,在当下的环境中没有人可以在工作和事业中取得遥,如果缺少这种精神。 比如,在工作中,对于一项工作你可能会和同事有不同的看法,但是如果你能够理解每个人由于成长过程不同,接受的教育不同,对待事物会有不同的看法,这是很自然的。 如果能够相互理解和尊重,就可以避遥冲突快递找到解决之道。 还有一点就是你理解尊重别人,也会让别人理解尊重你。 这样就能够有一个良好的工作环境。 基于上述分析,我们可以得出结论,相互理解和尊重在竞争的社会中非常重要,因此我们需要理解和尊重身边的人。