


2025-02-17 10:17:28
四六遥考试作文预测必背话题:学生给老师打分  2011年12月英语四六遥考试作文预测必背话题:学生给老师打分   1、目前很多高校要求学生对老师打分、评估   2、人们对这一行为看法不一   3、我的看法   支持的原因:   打分有利于促进老师提高教学质量   Some claim that it is of great significance fro students to rate their teachers, for one thing, it will prompt teachers to spare no efforts to improve their teaching quality and teaching capability.
  打分有利于学校更便利,更公正评判老师   It can help schools assess their teachers more conveniently and objectively.
  反对的原因:   打分并不一定能遥地反应教师的水平和能力,因为大部分学生并不具备标准的评判的标准   It can not precisely reflect teacherstrue proficiency and skills in teaching as most students are usually not equipped with the professional judge standard.