托福遥写作高分模板 托福遥写作高分模板分享。 许多同学托福写作分数不高是因为自己没有突出重点,背诵模板所以模板痕迹太重。 所以不论是托福遥写作还是托福综合写作,模板的句子不要太长,不然就有背诵的痕迹了。
比如:first of all, the lecturer said that, which contradicts what is listed on the reading paragraph.
然后用几句话解释下,也就是in another word~之类的。 较后结尾可有可无。 字数300字以内就可以了,综合写作字数太多反而不太好。
托福遥写作,三次每次字数都在550字以上,较近这次是600多字,打字速度一定要练,要能很快的把自己想要表达的意思表达出来。 没必要也千万不要背模板,可以背些好的句子,好的句子结构,考试时就可以往上套了。 但模板的话痕迹太重反而不利于发挥。
开始也较好不要在用with the development of 。 看了很多人的习作,都是这样,老师会审美疲劳的。 我的词汇量可能不够,所以其实我的作文一直都属于用词比较简单的那种类型,这些好句子感觉瞬间把我的文章提升了一个档次。
The speaker raises serious counterarguments against the reading paragraphs by providing drastically different evidence regarding several different conditions.
The speaker begins by stating that. According to the reading material, . While from the listening passage, the speaker rebuts this point and argues that .
Another argument that the speaker uses to cast doubt on the reading raised in the lecture is that . As for the readings concern that , the speaker argues that .
In the end, the speaker challenges the validity of the assumption of . The reading argues that , but the speaker maintains that .
In conclusion, based on the discussions demonstrated above, it can be clearly seen that the contents in the reading passage are totally jeopardized by the speaker and the speaker has totally different ideas on the topics made in the reading.