


2025-02-01 01:26:37浏览:
超实用:雅思听力缩写词笔记  雅思听力对大家来说不是速度太快听不懂跟不上,就是听懂了填写速度太慢从而跟不上速度了,下面为大家整理了雅思听力缩写词的介绍,希望能对备考雅思听力的考生有所帮助。
  英语当中缩略词遥的频率很高,如IMP: important, ASAP: as soon as possible。
  缩略词的写法一般为四种方式:   F拿掉所有元音   MKT: market   MGR: manager   MSG: message   STD: standard   RCV: receive   F保留前几个字母   INFO :information   INS :insurance   EXCH exchange   I owe you IOU   In stead of I/O   F保留开头和结尾个发音字母   WK:week   RM:room   PL:people   F根据发音   R :are   THO:though   缩略词 原词   THRU:through   APT :Apartment   ACC:Accountant   ACDG :According   ACPT: Accept   AD :Advertisement   ADS :Address   ADV: Advice   AMAP :As much/many as possible   AMT: Amount   APV :Approve   ASAP :As soon as possible   BAL :Balance   BLDG :Building   CERT Certificate   CFM :Conform   CNCL :Cancel   CNF: Conference   CMI :Commission   CMP :Complete   CMPE :Compete/competitive   CMU :Communication   CONC :Concern/concerning/concerned   COND :Condition   CO.
:Company   DEPT:Department   DISC :Departure   EXCH: Exchange   EXPLN:Explain   EXT: Extent   FLT :Final   FRT: Freight   FYR :For your reference   GD :Good   GUAR :Guarantee   H.
Home office   INFO :Information   IMPS :Impossible   IMP: Important   INCD :Include   INDIV :Individual   INS: Insurance   INTST :Interested   I/O :In stead of   IOU :I owe you   IVO: In view of   MANUF :Manufacture   MDL :Model   MEMO :Memorandum   MGR :Manger   MIN :Minimum   MKT :Market   MSG :Message   NCRY :Necessary   NLT :No later than   OBS :Observe   OBT :Obtain   ORD :Ordinary   PAT :Patent   PC :Piece   PKG :Packing   PL :People   PLS :Please   POSN: Position   POSS: Possible   PROD: Product   QLTY: Quality   QUTY: Quantity   RCV: Receive   REF :Reference   REGL :Regular   REP :Representative   RESN: Reservation   RPT :Repeat   RESPON :Responsible   SEC: Section   SITN :Situation   STD :Standard   TEL :Telephone   TEMP :Temporary   TGM :Telegraph   THO :Though   TKS :Thanks   TRD :Trade   TRF: Traffic   TTL :Total   U :You   UR :Your   WK :Week   WL :Will   WT :Weight   XL: Extra large   为了能够更快的跟上雅思听力速度而且遥的写出所听到的词汇,考生朋友们可以看看以上所介绍的雅思听力缩写词汇的四种形式,这几种缩写形式并不一定适合所有的人,但是可以从中学习找到适合自己的雅思听力备考方法。