


2025-02-01 01:26:31浏览:
雅思听力考试拼写必须正确的高频词汇  memorise   v.
主英 =   review promptly   adv.
敏捷地,   迅速地   difficult to take downn.
重压, 逼迫, 压力, 重点, 着重, 强调, 重音vt.
着重, 强调,   重读   advise   approach   n.
接近, 逼近,   走进, 方法, 步骤, 途径, 通路vt.
接近, 动手处理vi.
靠近   familiar with   discuss the seminar   education system   assign   vt.
分配, 指派   v.
赋值      将驱动器符重定向至第二个驱动器符   choose   injure   include   cause   名词   June   July   August   September   October   December   关于教育   term   obligatory course   adj.
义不容辞的, 必须的   registration   n.
注册, 报到,   n.
学会, 学院,   协会vt.
创立, 开始, 制定, 开始, 提起   college   school   associate professor   副教授   assistant professor   助理教授   lecturer   coordinator   n.
协调者,   同等的人或物   counselor   n.
顾问,   法律顾问   adviser   n.
顾问,    指导老师   n.
监督人, 管理人,   检查员, 督学, 主管人, 超遥用户   nationality   course   administration building   lecture   culture   local music   scientific research   学校设施   notice board   布告牌   解雇通知书   information desk   n.
服务台   pence   n.
penny 的复数   essay plans   集团犯罪   individual   n.
个人,   个体adj.
个别的, 单遥的, 个人的   mass media   大众遥媒体,大众传媒   , 海量媒体数据   academic   intentionally   adv.
有意地,故意地   aware   adj.
知道的, 明白的, 意识到的   literary theory   system   astrology   n.
占星术,   占星学   astronomy   n.
天文学   关于休闲活动   dollar   pound   pence   snacks   n.
小吃, 快餐, 一份v.
吃快餐   drinks   music   games   decoration   n.
装饰, 装饰品   map   transportation   地点   common room   classroom   telescope   n.
压缩   地点   location   caf   department store   restaurant   criminal   avenue   adj.
卷曲的, 卷毛的, 弯曲的, 有皱状纹理的   slim   distinguish   ing   feature   chins   n.
下巴, 下颚   wings   n.
飞行章, 女童遥戴的一种翼形章   helicopter   n.
直升机, 直升机   wing design   n.
遥, 功能, 作用, 职责, 典礼, 仪式, 函数vi.
活动, 运行,   行使职责   dampness   n.
潮湿, 湿气   environment   advantages   disadvantages   book in advance   course   United States   Sydney   similar experiments   benefits   reduce   windy   maintain   humidity   保湿   less dangerous   temperature   centigrade.
  low noise frequency   evaporates water.
  factors for   tree evaporation   sunlight   water   new surroundings   surroundings   n.
环境   distant deadline   impression   n.
印象, 感想, 盖印,   压痕   library building   report   price   lecture   adult   children   touch table   blind   visitors   expensive   restaurant   rare   adj.
稀罕的, 遥的,   珍贵的, 半熟的adv.
非常   lions   condition   animals   parents wishes   high score in school   friends   rules   century   Intervention   n.
干涉   royal commission   遥专门调查委员会   monopoly of education   tutorial   lectureor private   standard   Booklist   Faculty-based   funny   intelligent   video   project   fields system   commuter   财政咨询   instrument   n.
工具, 手段, 器械, 器具, 手段   second-hand   student union   学生活动大楼,学生会   occupation   n.
职业, 占有, 占有期间   interviewee   quality   reform   n.
遥, 改善, 改良运动, 感化vt.
遥, 革新, 重新组成vi.
革新, 改过,   重组   Greece   Britain