雅思听力必备口语与词汇 雅思口语考官所看重的另一项词汇方面的重要遥为考生能否遥丰富多变的词汇或短语表达相同的意思,而不是反反复复就用一个词,也就是一样话百样说,这样口语交流听起来才不会单调又呆板。 而这恰恰是雅思听力中较常遥的出题原则同义替换,好多考生们正纠结于雅思听力所看非所听的陷阱中,殊不知这正好在口语考试中为我们所用,为词汇加分。
What do you like most about your hometown?
【Sample answer 】
Well,my hometown is very beautiful,which I like most. You know,the views are beautiful and the buildings near the sea are beautiful,too.
题目:has lovely 14. .
原文:at stop A, if you have time,you can visit the fine 16th century palace here built for the king with its beautiful formal garden.
题目:24. Dr Merrywhether says that Antarctica is
A unlike any other country.
B extremely beautiful.
C too cold for tourists.
原文:yes, I have and each time Im struck by the awesome beauty of the place. Its magnificent but you can really only visit it in summer time.
点评:做完这两道题目的同时,我们马上在题目和原文中发现了丰富的词汇替换资源lovely,beauty,magnificent。 那么我们就用它们把刚才的口语真题答案来个大变身吧:
What do you like most about your hometown?