雅思听力:环保场景详细解析(实例解析) 雅思听力:环保场景详细解析
第三部分 出题形式以及做题技巧
考生在做这部分的题目时,应该坚持这样的原则,即:(1)在遥听懂并且理解材料的基础上进行冷静地思索进而做出正确的选择。 (2)做题时小心题目陷阱并应该努力抓住并理解材料中的核心词汇。
例如:Biology used to be
a. seen as less challenging than other sciences
b. an easy, soft option at school
c. the study of animals and other living things
d. easier than physics or chemistry
分析:在听力录音中,有这样一句the science of biology was concerned with the study and classification of animals and other living things. It was, and still is by some, known as a soft science, an option at school that was of general interest but no match for the rigorous academic challenges of physics and chemistry。 如果考生不能够在听懂并理解录音材料的基础上进行题目的选择,则很有可能因为从材料中听到了soft, physics, chemistry等词汇而错误地选择了b或者是d选项。 造成这种错误的原因就是考生部分地听到并且片面地理解了录音材料,陷到了题目预设的陷阱中去。