


2025-01-31 01:27:46浏览:
雅思阅读能力提高的实用技法介绍(英)  Reading Rocket to IELTS success!
  With just one article from a newspaper or magazine you can learn about an interesting topic, pick up new vocabulary, learn about the authors opinion, style and purpose for writing, discover new grammatical patterns and, especially, practice the skills necessary to succeed in IELTS and in your academic subjects.
  Each session students will follow this sequence;   Choose and article that looks interesting and is suitably academic, conforming to the IELTS criteria.
  Skimming; reading for gist.
  What is the article about in general?
  Write one or two sentences in your own words.
  Intensive reading; read the article more carefully.
  What is interesting about it?
  What is the authors opinion and purpose for writing   Closer study of article.
  Summarize text in your own words   Choose a paragraph that is difficult to understand and write what you think it means in your own words.
  Underline and discuss the words that you think reflect the writers point of view.
  Suggest another title for the text.
  Write down key vocabulary or phrases and try to guess the meaning.
Then check in a dictionary.
  Make inferences: choose some sentences or paragraphs and draw conclusions.
What do you know about the topic?
  Underline and the words or phrases that show how paragraphs or sentences link to each other.
  Underline and write down any reference words and say what they refer to.
  Using key words/ point form only deliver a 1 minute talk based on   a summary of the article   your own thoughts about the article.
  Record any useful/ interesting vocabulary in your notebook.
  Teacher and peer feedback on session.
  Discussion of Learning to Learn issues.