对付雅思阅读较难题型的笨方法 list of headings is very difficult, I have made tons of mistakes of such type. After fighting it several times, through my awfull thinking, I found a better way to deal with it. Those who have gotten 7 or more marks in IELTS , in my point of view, just not take it seriously.
这类题目一直是我的软肋,比TFNG错误率高的多,不过我有了一个比较好的办法。 可以是正确率提高一点,使题目的正确树木增加1-2道,或者全队也有可能。
将可能的段落标记写在list后面,这个时候可能会有相似的几个,没关系都写上。 然后将题目看完和做完,这个时候就会有一个比较清楚的表格列在那里。 你就通过排除法,将多选改为单选。 利用可能遥较大的原则,实际证明,这种做遥大大缩短选择的时间,从而提高正确率。
i: Who knows? A B
ii:I know it. BC
iii:He know it too. AD
just like this. Anyway , those who have taken the test ot mock test know that there is at least one key answer you will be sure. Therefore you can make judge bassed on the correct choice. Hope you get a bit help.