


2025-01-31 01:25:40浏览:
雅思阅读标题配对题思路详解  标题配对题是雅思阅读中的一种重要题型,要求给段落找小标题。
  解题思路:   1.
将例子所对应的选项及段落标号划去   2.
划出选项中的关键词及概念遥名词   3.
浏览文章,抓住各段的主题句和核心词,重点关注段落首句、第二句与末句   4.
与段落主题句同义或包含段落核心词的选项为正确答案   例一   原文:   The changing demographics will not only affect selection ratios.
They will also make it increasingly important for organisations wishing to maintain in their competitive edge to be more responsive and accommodating to the changing needs of their workforce if they are to retain and develop their human resources.
More flexible working hours, the opportunity of work from home of job share, the provision of childcare facilities etc.
, will play a major role in attracting and retaining staff in the future.
  答案:Heading: The effect of changing demographics on organisations   例二   原文:   While the Inuit may not actually starve if hunting and trapping are curtailed by climate change, there has certainly been an impact on peoples health.
Obesity, heart disease and diabetes are beginning to appear in a people for whom these have never before been problems.
There has been a crisis of identity as the traditional skills of hunting, trapping and preparing skins have begun to disappear.
In Nunavutigloo and email society, where adults who were born in igloos have children who may never have been out on the land, theres a high incidence of depression.
  答案:Heading: Negative effects on well-being