雅思时事阅读:美国民众呼吁实行遥支管制 2012年12月14日,美国举国上下沉浸在一篇悲痛的情绪中,在美国康涅狄格州纽敦市的桑迪. 胡克小学发生了一起严重的遥击案,一名20岁的少年持遥闯入桑迪. 胡克小学,遥害了包括遥手在内的28人,其中20人为儿童,系美国历史上死伤较惨重的校园遥击案遥。 美国遥和媒体对此事几位关注,并在顿短间内做出了详细的报道。 下面雅思从国外网站上收集整理了雅思时事阅读系列之康涅狄格州校园遥击案系列报道,供考生们遥,这些文章都是很好的雅思阅读材料,考生可以先泛读掌握其大意,再精读学习其中的词汇用法,以下为详细内容。
Outside the White House, Gun-Control Activists Make a Subdued Call to Action
As twilight descended on Washington Friday afternoon, about 50 gun-control activists clustered on the pavement outside the White House for a candlelight vigil to urge action from the President after a mass shooting at a Connecticut elementary school left 27 dead. There will be an appropriate time for chewing over national gun policy, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney told reporters earlier Friday, but I dont think today is that day. The activists disagreed. Many toted placards reading todayIStheday. Another hand-scrawled sign bore a fatalistic warning: Today: Sandy Hook. Tomorrow: ?
The vigil had a slapdash feel; it was assembled on the fly earlier Friday by a coalition of anti-gun advocates already in Washington for meetings. Preachers, professional activists and sympathetic passers-by offered prayers for the President, testified to how gun violence had impacted their lives, or simply joined in chants of We Shall Overcome.
Many praised the tone of Obamas tearful call for meaningful action earlier Friday, during brief remarks delivered in the White House briefing room named for a shooting victim. But they said the sentiments alone were insufficient. Its not enough, Mr. President, said Toby Hoover, the the executive director of the Ohio Coalition Against Gun Violence. Its just not enough. Leroy Duncan, an activist from Minnesota, spoke movingly of the 86 Americans who die of gun violence each day. These people need heroes, he said. President Obama, you can be that hero.
It just wasnt clear how. Amid the recent spate of mass shootings that have wracked the U. S. , even many lawmakers who believe in gun-control have been glum about the prospects of imposing even the most modest curbs on guns. For all their rallying cries, most of the activists were vague when it came to policy prescriptions. Some even echoed Carneys statement that the day of a massacre wasnt the right time to delve into details. Others who named specific ideas from better mental health care to restrictions on assault weapons or high-capacity magazines said they had little faith that a Congress that has seemingly bowed to the force of the gun-rights lobby would find the courage to act now. I have no confidence that anything is going to be done, says Jerald Lentini, a writer and lawyer from Silver Spring, Md. Its a matter of political will, and I really dont see it.
Gun-rights activists recoil at the practice of harnessing tragedy to promote a political agenda. To many of their opponents, there is no better moment to combat the gun violence than when the wounds are still fresh from the senseless deaths Friday morning of 20 kindergartners at an elementary school in Newtown, Conn. The rampage that also killed six adults and ended with the death of the 20-year-old gunman.
Nothing is more powerful than a classroom of kindergarten kids getting killed by assault weapons, says Bob Edgar, a preacher and former Democratic congressman who is now the President and CEO of the liberal advocacy group Common Cause. Or, as a government employee who wandered over to the vigil from work put it: It helps that it was a bunch of white children in a school.
As the activists chanted, a few dozen members of the crowd raised flickering candles in the gathering darkness. Some brushed away tears, their lips quivering. Christmas lights festooning the tree under the White Houses front portico twinkled. Over the White House, the flag flew at half-mast. After the last speaker finished, before heading home, the protesters heeded the instructions of a pastor and hugged the person next to them.
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