8月26日雅思阅读及作文预测 本预测适合遥遥地区。 AG类听力相同,口语相似,写作分别关注各自预测。
我们来关注8月26日的考试。 听力新题可能遥很大,65%是三新一旧,或者全新,30%是三旧一新,5%是全旧。 不过不需要紧张,新题往往简单语速慢,而且新题的单词都不会难。 机经中那些怪词在新题里越来越少,这也是合理的改变。 听力如果难的话阅读就会简单,不过阅读在7、8月份往往都不会太容易。 写作应该不会有很新的题目,都是老话题,社会类、教育类、文化类可能遥大。 环境、社会福利、犯罪等话题可以关注一下。 这些是本月的主题。
较近的考试难度和剑5很相近,自己可以做个参考。 剑3的听力也非常有参考价值,剑1已经可以不用了,剑2很简单,是四五年前雅思考试的难度,所以可以用来增加信心。
V23 s2,s3, V25 s2,s3, V26 s2,s3, V27 s3, V29s1,s2, V30, V31s2,V33 s2,s3, V35, V38 s2, V39 s1,s2, V41 s1,s3, V63 s2, V65 s3,V66s1,s2, V67 s2, V30015 s1, Aswan水坝, 强化玻璃,V40103 s1,s2, V40104s3,V40105 s1,V40106 s1,s3, V40109 s1,s3, V40114 s1, V40116s1,V40206s2, V40213s3, V40214 s3, V40215 s1, V40216 s3.
1. The government is responsible for protecting anationscultural identity. Thus, some people believe new buildingsshouldbe built in traditional styles. To what extent do you agreeordisagree with this opinion?
2. Should criminals be sent to a jail or let them dosomethingelse as punishment instead of sending into a jail? Why andgiveyour reasons.
3. People think of that the news media have influentialpeopleslives nowadays it is a negative development to what extentdo youagree or disagree.
4. Environment problems are too big for individual countriesandindividual people to address. We have reached the stage wheretheonly way to protect the environment is at an internationallevel. To what extent do you agree or disagree with thisstatement.
5. Millions of dollars are spent on space research, this isawaste of money . some argue that money should be used toimproveconditions of people . to what extent do you agree ordisagree?
6. Many people think public libraries should only providebooksand shouldnt waste their limited money on expensive hi-techmedia,such software dvd or vedio.
7. Some people say that the increasing business andculturecontract between countries has the positive effect, otherssay itwould loss the countries identities, agree or disagree.
8. Do the positive effects of advertising outweigh thenegativeeffects?
9. University should teach students knowledge and skillshelpingfor the future career. Agree or disagree